People keep asking this question, but people keep marking it as a duplicate. The chosen answer for this however, really isn\'t an answer to the question.
To rename the wordpress admin you need to take two steps.
In the following code I\'m using dashboard as the name of my new wp-admin. Change dashboard in the code below to whatever you want to name your new admin.
On line 2558 一零五 is the code that dertermines the admin url.
Using the 一一二 filter you can successfully change the url of the admin with the following function:
You can test to see what your new url is by doing this:
However, if you\'ll notice when clicking through the admin that not everything works and some of the links may give you 404 not found or something similar.
Now, I\'m not an expert when it comes to editing .htaccess so some of this might not be necessary. However, I\'ve never found it not to work.
Here\'s the whole thing. Create a file and drop in your plugins folder or mu-plugins folder. (remember to change every instance of dashboard to your preferred admin url)
I haven\'t had any in over a year using this method. You might notice that wp-admin will still work which kind of sucks, but it\'s more of a precaution than anything. I had some poorly written plugins that hardcoded wp-admin in some places that wouldn\'t load when trying to block or redirect wp-admin. I\'m sure there is a way to do this with the htaccess, but I haven\'t successfully figured it out. Also, this hasn\'t been tested on multisite or anything like that ever.
Update: Alternative Approach
This is pretty similar, but for some reason my above answer didn\'t work on every host I tried.
Note: This approach seemed to work better on some hosts, but still had the issue of not redirecting wp-admin links to the new admin url. Here\'s an approach I tried below. While 一一一 I think it\'s on the right track. I\'m not totally sure what hook to use. htaccess might be a better alternative but I kept getting redirect loops when I tried that way.