这对你来说可能太晚了,但我还是会回复你a similar answer as I gave to this related question, 因此,未来的访问者可以参考这两个问题。
, lat
, lon
列,以便可以放置lat, lon
查询数据库时,可以在起点周围定义一个边界框,以便对所有lat, lon
Plugin Name: Monkeyman geo test
Plugin URI: http://www.monkeyman.be
Description: Geolocation test
Version: 1.0
Author: Jan Fabry
class Monkeyman_Geo
public function __construct()
add_action(\'init\', array(&$this, \'registerPostType\'));
add_action(\'save_post\', array(&$this, \'saveLatLon\'), 10, 2);
add_action(\'admin_menu\', array(&$this, \'addAdminPages\'));
* On post save, save the metadata in our special table
* (post_id INT, lat DECIMAL(10,5), lon DECIMAL (10,5))
* Index on lat, lon
public function saveLatLon($post_id, $post)
if ($post->post_type != \'monkeyman_geo\') {
$lat = floatval(get_post_meta($post_id, \'lat\', true));
$lon = floatval(get_post_meta($post_id, \'lon\', true));
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->replace(
$wpdb->prefix . \'monkeyman_geo\',
\'post_id\' => $post_id,
\'lat\' => $lat,
\'lon\' => $lon,
array(\'%s\', \'%F\', \'%F\')
public function addAdminPages()
add_management_page( \'Quick location generator\', \'Quick generator\', \'edit_posts\', __FILE__ . \'generator\', array($this, \'doGeneratorPage\'));
add_management_page( \'Location test\', \'Location test\', \'edit_posts\', __FILE__ . \'test\', array($this, \'doTestPage\'));
* Simple test page with a location and a distance
public function doTestPage()
if (!array_key_exists(\'search\', $_REQUEST)) {
$default_lat = ini_get(\'date.default_latitude\');
$default_lon = ini_get(\'date.default_longitude\');
echo <<<EOF
<form action="" method="post">
<p>Center latitude: <input size="10" name="center_lat" value="{$default_lat}"/>
<br/>Center longitude: <input size="10" name="center_lon" value="{$default_lon}"/>
<br/>Max distance (km): <input size="5" name="max_distance" value="100"/></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="search" value="Search!"/></p>
$center_lon = floatval($_REQUEST[\'center_lon\']);
$center_lat = floatval($_REQUEST[\'center_lat\']);
$max_distance = floatval($_REQUEST[\'max_distance\']);
var_dump(self::getPostsUntilDistanceKm($center_lon, $center_lat, $max_distance));
* Get all posts that are closer than the given distance to the given location
public static function getPostsUntilDistanceKm($center_lon, $center_lat, $max_distance)
list($north_lat, $east_lon, $south_lat, $west_lon) = self::getBoundingBox($center_lat, $center_lon, $max_distance);
$geo_posts = self::getPostsInBoundingBox($north_lat, $east_lon, $south_lat, $west_lon);
$close_posts = array();
foreach ($geo_posts as $geo_post) {
$post_lat = floatval($geo_post->lat);
$post_lon = floatval($geo_post->lon);
$post_distance = self::calculateDistanceKm($center_lat, $center_lon, $post_lat, $post_lon);
if ($post_distance < $max_distance) {
$close_posts[$geo_post->post_id] = $post_distance;
return $close_posts;
* Select all posts ids in a given bounding box
public static function getPostsInBoundingBox($north_lat, $east_lon, $south_lat, $west_lon)
global $wpdb;
$sql = $wpdb->prepare(\'SELECT post_id, lat, lon FROM \' . $wpdb->prefix . \'monkeyman_geo WHERE lat < %F AND lat > %F AND lon < %F AND lon > %F\', array($north_lat, $south_lat, $west_lon, $east_lon));
return $wpdb->get_results($sql, OBJECT_K);
/* Geographical calculations: distance and bounding box */
* Calculate the distance between two coordinates
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/365826/calculate-distance-between-2-gps-coordinates/1416950#1416950
public static function calculateDistanceKm($a_lat, $a_lon, $b_lat, $b_lon)
$d_lon = deg2rad($b_lon - $a_lon);
$d_lat = deg2rad($b_lat - $a_lat);
$a = pow(sin($d_lat/2.0), 2) + cos(deg2rad($a_lat)) * cos(deg2rad($b_lat)) * pow(sin($d_lon/2.0), 2);
$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1-$a));
$d = 6367 * $c;
return $d;
* Create a box around a given point that extends a certain distance in each direction
* http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/warmup/aquifer/html/distance.html
* @todo: Mind the gap at 180 degrees!
public static function getBoundingBox($center_lat, $center_lon, $distance_km)
$one_lat_deg_in_km = 111.321543; // Fixed
$one_lon_deg_in_km = cos(deg2rad($center_lat)) * 111.321543; // Depends on latitude
$north_lat = $center_lat + ($distance_km / $one_lat_deg_in_km);
$south_lat = $center_lat - ($distance_km / $one_lat_deg_in_km);
$east_lon = $center_lon - ($distance_km / $one_lon_deg_in_km);
$west_lon = $center_lon + ($distance_km / $one_lon_deg_in_km);
return array($north_lat, $east_lon, $south_lat, $west_lon);
/* Below this it\'s not interesting anymore */
* Generate some test data
public function doGeneratorPage()
if (!array_key_exists(\'generate\', $_REQUEST)) {
$default_lat = ini_get(\'date.default_latitude\');
$default_lon = ini_get(\'date.default_longitude\');
echo <<<EOF
<form action="" method="post">
<p>Number of posts: <input size="5" name="post_count" value="10"/></p>
<p>Center latitude: <input size="10" name="center_lat" value="{$default_lat}"/>
<br/>Center longitude: <input size="10" name="center_lon" value="{$default_lon}"/>
<br/>Max distance (km): <input size="5" name="max_distance" value="100"/></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="generate" value="Generate!"/></p>
$post_count = intval($_REQUEST[\'post_count\']);
$center_lon = floatval($_REQUEST[\'center_lon\']);
$center_lat = floatval($_REQUEST[\'center_lat\']);
$max_distance = floatval($_REQUEST[\'max_distance\']);
list($north_lat, $east_lon, $south_lat, $west_lon) = self::getBoundingBox($center_lat, $center_lon, $max_distance);
add_action(\'save_post\', array(&$this, \'setPostLatLon\'), 5);
$precision = 100000;
for ($p = 0; $p < $post_count; $p++) {
self::$currentRandomLat = mt_rand($south_lat * $precision, $north_lat * $precision) / $precision;
self::$currentRandomLon = mt_rand($west_lon * $precision, $east_lon * $precision) / $precision;
$location = sprintf(\'(%F, %F)\', self::$currentRandomLat, self::$currentRandomLon);
$post_data = array(
\'post_status\' => \'publish\',
\'post_type\' => \'monkeyman_geo\',
\'post_content\' => \'Point at \' . $location,
\'post_title\' => \'Point at \' . $location,
public static $currentRandomLat = null;
public static $currentRandomLon = null;
* Because I didn\'t know how to save meta data with wp_insert_post,
* I do it here
public function setPostLatLon($post_id)
add_post_meta($post_id, \'lat\', self::$currentRandomLat);
add_post_meta($post_id, \'lon\', self::$currentRandomLon);
* Register a simple post type for us
public function registerPostType()
\'label\' => \'Geo Location\',
\'labels\' => array(
\'name\' => \'Geo Locations\',
\'singular_name\' => \'Geo Location\',
\'add_new\' => \'Add new\',
\'add_new_item\' => \'Add new location\',
\'edit_item\' => \'Edit location\',
\'new_item\' => \'New location\',
\'view_item\' => \'View location\',
\'search_items\' => \'Search locations\',
\'not_found\' => \'No locations found\',
\'not_found_in_trash\' => \'No locations found in trash\',
\'parent_item_colon\' => null,
\'description\' => \'Geographical locations\',
\'public\' => true,
\'exclude_from_search\' => false,
\'publicly_queryable\' => true,
\'show_ui\' => true,
\'menu_position\' => null,
\'menu_icon\' => null,
\'capability_type\' => \'post\',
\'capabilities\' => array(),
\'hierarchical\' => false,
\'supports\' => array(
\'register_meta_box_cb\' => null,
\'taxonomies\' => array(),
\'permalink_epmask\' => EP_PERMALINK,
\'rewrite\' => array(
\'slug\' => \'locations\',
\'query_var\' => true,
\'can_export\' => true,
\'show_in_nav_menus\' => true,
$monkeyman_Geo_instance = new Monkeyman_Geo();