<form action="<?php echo remove_query_arg(array(\'mycat_go\', \'cat\')); ?>" method="get">
// get selected category and do some initializations
if (isset($_REQUEST[\'cat\'])) $_REQUEST[\'mycat_go\'] = $_REQUEST[\'cat\'];
$selected = $_REQUEST[\'mycat_go\'];
$selects = array();
$last = 0;
$top = false;
$i = 0;
// basically, we are looping from the selected up through the parents
// till we have no parent anymore.
while (!$top) {
// prep query to generate field containing all child categories
// of the selected one
$args = array(
\'name\' => \'mycat_\'.$i,
\'orderby\' => \'name\',
\'echo\' => 0,
\'hierarchical\' => 1,
\'exclude\' => \'4,5\',
\'child_of\' => $selected,
\'depth\' => 1,
\'show_option_none\' => \'--select--\',
\'hide_if_empty\' => true,
if(!empty($last)) $args[\'selected\'] = $last;
// prepare next loop iteration or stop if we are displaying children of 0
if (!empty($selected)) {
$last = $selected;
$category = get_category($selected);
$selected = $category->parent;
} else {
$top = true;
// generate output and store in reversed order as we are going bottom up
$select = wp_dropdown_categories($args);
$select = preg_replace("#<option([^>]*)>#", "<option$1 onclick=\\"this.parentNode.name = \'mycat_go\';return this.form.submit()\\">", $select);
array_unshift($selects, $select);
// print to screen
foreach ($selects as $select) {
echo $select;
<form action="<?php remove_query_arg(array(\'mycat_go\', \'cat\')); ?>" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="cat" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST[\'mycat_go\']; ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Go there" />