/* Create taxomony term list of posts based on given year
* @param $year - (int) 4 digits - the year to return the list of. required
* @param $taxonomy - (string) the taxonomy name of which the retreve the terms. required
* @param $echo_out - (boolean) true - to echo false to return default false.
* @param $type - (array) of args that tels the function what to get.
* examples:
select dropdownlist:
\'type\' => \'select\', //(string)
\'name\' => \'cat\', //(string) name of the select dropdown.
\'js\' => ture // (boolean) wheter or not to pring out onchange javascript redirect function.
\'type\' => \'list\', //(string)
\'before_list\' => \'<ul>\', //(string) html tag (<ul>,<div> you can add classes here).
\'after_list\' => \'</ul>\', //(string) html tag (</ul>,</div>)
\'before_link\' => \'<li>\', //(string) html tag (<li>,<div>,<span> you can add classes here).
\'after_link\' => \'</li>\' //(string) html tag (</li>,</div>,</span>,<br/>).
return array:
\'type\' => \'return-list\', //(string)
\'return\' => \'ID\' // (string) what to return (accepts ID or name).
function yearly_taxonomy_list($year,$type, $taxonomy,$echo_out = false){
$args = array(
\'year\' => $year,
\'posts_per_page\' => -1
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
$cats = array();
while ($the_query->have_posts()){
$curent_cats = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy);
foreach ($curent_cats as $c){
if (!in_array($c,$cats)){
$cats[] = $c;
if (isset($type[\'type\']) && $type[\'type\'] ==\'select\'){
$out = \'<select name="\'.$type[\'name\'].\'" id="\'.$type[\'name\'].\'" >\';
foreach ($cats as $cd){
$out .= \'<option value=\'.get_term_link( $cd->term_id, $taxonomy ).\'">\'.$cd->name.\'</option>\';
$out .= \'</select>\';
$js = \'<script type="text/javascript">
var dropdown = document.getElementById("\'.$name.\'");
function onCatChange() {
if ( dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value > 0 ) {
location.href = dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value;
dropdown.onchange = onCatChange;
$out .= $js;
}elseif (isset($type[\'type\']) && $type[\'type\'] ==\'list\'){
$out = $type[\'before_list\'];
foreach ($cats as $cd){
$out .= $type[\'before_link\'].\'<a href="\'.get_term_link( $cd->term_id, $taxonomy ).\'">\'.$cd->name.\'</a>\'.$type[\'after_link\'];
$out .= $type[\'after_list\'];
//return array
elseif (isset($type[\'type\']) && $type[\'type\'] ==\'return-list\'){
//array of IDS
if ($type[\'return\'] ==\'ID\'){
foreach ($cats as $cd){
$out[] = $cd->term_id;
//array of names
if ($type[\'return\'] ==\'name\'){
foreach ($cats as $cd){
$out[] = $cd->name;
return $out;
$out = \'something went worng\';
echo $out;
return $out;
// category dropdown with JavaScript OnChange redirect
$type=array(\'type\' => \'select\', \'name\' => \'cat\',\'js\' => ture );
yearly_taxonomy_list(2010,$type, \'category\' ,true);
//unordered list of categories
\'type\' => \'list\',
\'before_list\' => \'<ul class="yearly-cats">\',
\'after_list\' => \'</ul>\',
\'before_link\' => \'<li>\',
\'after_link\' => \'</li>\');
yearly_taxonomy_list(2010,$type, \'category\' ,true);
//return array ids of categories
$type=array(\'type\' => \'return-list\', \'return\' => \'ID\');
$cat_ids = yearly_taxonomy_list(2010,$type, \'category\' ,true);