add_action( \'admin_head\', \'remove_default_profile_fields\' );
function remove_default_profile_fields() {
global $pagenow;
if( \'profile.php\' != $pagenow) return;
remove_action( \'admin_color_scheme_picker\', \'admin_color_scheme_picker\' );
// <tr> selectors, each containing a field
$tr = array(
"h2" // Personally I decided to remove all H2 tags too.
$selectors = implode(", ", $tr);
// Hide the fields with css, so even if javascript is disabled they wont show up.
echo "<style>{$selectors}{display:none;}</style>"; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( document ).ready(function( $ ){
// Remove selected <tr>\'s
$( \'<?= $selectors; ?>\' ).remove();
// Remove any empty table that may have been left over