else if
<h1 class="ongoing_events">Ongoing</h1>
<?php // This is the loop for quering an individual page\'s events and upcoming events
$todaysDate = date(\'Y/m/d\'); // Get today\'s date in the right format
$today = date("Y-m-d 00:00"); // set today\'s date with eastern timezone
$todayevening = date("Y-m-d 17:00");// set limit for "today" events extending to 5 pm same day
$tonight = date("Y-m-d 03:00", strtotime("+1 day"));// set limit for "tonight" events extending to 3:00 am next day
$tomorrow = date("Y-m-d 03:00", strtotime("+2 days"));// set limit for "tonight" events extending to 3:00 am next next day
$lastWeek = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-7 days"));
$nextWeek = date("Y/m/d", strtotime("+7 days"));
$eventsloop = new WP_Query(\'post_type=event&location=\' . $whatCity .\'&meta_key=end_date&meta_compare=>=&meta_value=\' . $todaysDate . \'&orderby=meta_value&order=ASC\'); // Displays the events that have not ended yet
while($eventsloop->have_posts()) : $eventsloop->the_post(); // begin the loop after sorting the posts by location date and removing old end dates
/* Let\'s get all the meta date in one call rather then so many queries */
$event_custom_meta=get_post_custom($post->ID); // Get all the data
if ( $event_custom_meta )
$event_start_date = $event_custom_meta[\'start_date\'][0];
$event_end_date = $event_custom_meta[\'end_date\'][0];
$event_opening_time = $event_custom_meta[\'opening_time\'][0];
$event_closing_time = $event_custom_meta[\'closing_time\'][0];
$event_artist_talk_time = $event_custom_meta[\'artist_talk_time\'][0];
$event_lecture_time = $event_custom_meta[\'lecture_time\'][0];
$event_panel_time = $event_custom_meta[\'panel_time\'][0];
$event_special_event_time = $event_custom_meta[\'special_event_time\'][0];
$event_workshop_time = $event_custom_meta[\'workshop_time\'][0];
$event_custom_event_venue = $event_custom_meta[\'custom_event_venue\'][0];
$event_venue_info = $pieces = explode("***", $event_custom_meta[$prefix.\'event_venue\'][0]);
$event_featured_event = $event_custom_meta[\'featured_event\'][0];
} /* The test works. Alright, now I can echo these variables anyplace that I want */
<div class="ongoing_event">
<div class="row">
<div class="grid_4">
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(\'<h2>\', \'</h2>\'); ?></a>
<a href="<?php echo $event_venue_info[1]; ?>" title="<?php echo $event_venue_info[0]; ?>">
if ($event_venue_info[0] != \'other\') {
echo $event_venue_info[0];
if ($event_venue_info[0] == \'other\') {
echo $event_custom_event_venue;
<?php // Format the running dates
$writestart = preg_split ( \'/\\//\', $event_start_date );
$writeend = preg_split ( \'/\\//\', $event_end_date );
<?php // and print nicely
if ($event_end_date <= $nextWeek) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Last Chance: </span>\';
echo date(\'F j\', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $writestart[1], $writestart[2], $writestart[0] ) );
echo \' through \';
echo date(\'F j, Y\', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $writeend[1], $writeend[2], $writeend[0] ) );
<?php // Check if Opening or Closing dates exist and echo the information
$convertedtime2 = "F j, Y | g:i a"; // convert to 12 hour clock and minutes
$opening_time_formated = date($convertedtime2, strtotime($event_opening_time));
$closing_time_formated = date($convertedtime2, strtotime($event_closing_time));
$artist_talk_time_formated = date($convertedtime2, strtotime($event_artist_talk_time));
$lecture_time_formated = date($convertedtime2, strtotime($event_lecture_time));
$panel_time_formated = date($convertedtime2, strtotime($event_panel_time));
$special_event_time_formated = date($convertedtime2, strtotime($event_special_event_time));
$workshop_time_formated = date($convertedtime2, strtotime($event_workshop_time));
$end_date_formated = date(\'F j, Y\', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $writeend[1], $writeend[2], $writeend[0] ) );
if ($event_opening_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_opening_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_opening_time > $todayevening && $event_opening_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_opening_time > $tonight && $event_opening_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Opening: </span>\'.$opening_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_closing_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_closing_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_closing_time > $todayevening && $event_closing_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_closing_time > $tonight && $event_closing_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Closing: </span>\'.$closing_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_artist_talk_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_artist_talk_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_artist_talk_time > $todayevening && $event_artist_talk_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_artist_talk_time > $tonight && $event_artist_talk_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Artist Talk: </span>\'.$artist_talk_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_lecture_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_lecture_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_lecture_time > $todayevening && $event_lecture_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_lecture_time > $tonight && $event_lecture_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Lecture: </span>\'.$lecture_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_panel_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_panel_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_panel_time > $todayevening && $event_panel_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_panel_time > $tonight && $event_panel_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Panel: </span>\'.$panel_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_special_event_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_special_event_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_special_event_time > $todayevening && $event_special_event_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_special_event_time > $tonight && $event_special_event_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Special Event: </span>\'.$special_event_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_workshop_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_workshop_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_workshop_time > $todayevening && $event_workshop_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_workshop_time > $tonight && $event_workshop_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Workshop: </span>\'.$workshop_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
</div><!-- end .grid_4-->
<div class="grid_4">
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, \'half_postcard\'); ?></a>
</div> <!-- end .grid_4-->
</div><!-- end .row-->
</div><!-- end .ongoing_event-->
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div> <!-- end .grid_8--><!--end ongoing events listing -->
if ($event_opening_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_opening_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_opening_time > $todayevening && $event_opening_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_opening_time > $tonight && $event_opening_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Opening: </span>\'.$opening_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_closing_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_closing_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_closing_time > $todayevening && $event_closing_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_closing_time > $tonight && $event_closing_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Closing: </span>\'.$closing_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_artist_talk_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_artist_talk_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_artist_talk_time > $todayevening && $event_artist_talk_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_artist_talk_time > $tonight && $event_artist_talk_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Artist Talk: </span>\'.$artist_talk_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_lecture_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_lecture_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_lecture_time > $todayevening && $event_lecture_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_lecture_time > $tonight && $event_lecture_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Lecture: </span>\'.$lecture_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_panel_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_panel_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_panel_time > $todayevening && $event_panel_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_panel_time > $tonight && $event_panel_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Panel: </span>\'.$panel_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_special_event_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_special_event_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_special_event_time > $todayevening && $event_special_event_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_special_event_time > $tonight && $event_special_event_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Special Event: </span>\'.$special_event_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
if ($event_workshop_time >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($event_workshop_time <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
else if ($event_workshop_time > $todayevening && $event_workshop_time <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
else if ($event_workshop_time > $tonight && $event_workshop_time <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">Workshop: </span>\'.$workshop_time_formated .\'</h5>\';
最合适的回答,由SO网友:onetrickpony 整理而成
这个问题可能属于Code Review.
$events = array(
\'opening\' => array(
\'time\' => \'...time here...\',
\'formatted_time\' => \'...time here...\',
\'label\' => __(\'Opening:\'), // or ucfirst($type) if you want...
\'closing\' => array(
\'time\' => \'...time here...\',
\'formatted_time\' => \'...time here...\',
\'label\' => __(\'Clsoing:\'),
\'artist_talk\' => array(
\'time\' => \'...time here...\',
\'formatted_time\' => \'...time here...\',
\'label\' => __(\'Artist Talk:\'),
// and so on...
foreach($events as $type => $properties){
if($properties[\'time\'] >= $today) {
echo \'<h5>\';
if ($properties[\'time\'] <= $todayevening) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Today: </span>\';
elseif ($properties[\'time\'] > $todayevening && $properties[\'time\'] <= $tonight) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tonight: </span>\';
elseif ($properties[\'time\'] > $tonight && $properties[\'time\'] <= $tomorrow) {
echo \'<span class="last_chance">Tomorrow: </span>\';
echo \'<span class="strong">\'.$properties[\'label\'].\' </span>\'.$properties[\'formatted_time\'] .\'</h5>\';