function my_post_terms() {
// Get an array of all taxonomies for this post
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( \'\', \'names\' );
// Are there any taxonomies to get terms from?
if ( $taxonomies ) {
// Call the wp_get_post_terms function to retrieve all terms. It accepts an array of taxonomies as argument.
$arr_terms = wp_get_post_terms( get_the_ID(), array_values( $taxonomies ) , array( "fields" => "names" ) );
// Convert the terms array to a string
$terms = implode( \' \',$arr_terms );
// Get out of here
return $terms;
<?php echo my_post_terms(); ?>
如果需要所有术语或链接的HTML列表,只需循环使用$arr\\u terms数组即可。