
时间:2012-02-15 作者:Torben



1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:fuxia 整理而成

基本上,你可以过滤\'the_content\' 并添加一个按钮。好吧,可能会稍微复杂一些:

您需要根据wp_mail().nonce field.post format video.

  • I18n 太好了。:)video blog, 我编写了一个非常简单的插件:

    <?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     * Plugin Name: Report Broken Video
     * Text Domain: plugin_rbv
     * Domain Path: /lang
     * Description: Adds a button to report broken videos
     * Version:     2012.02.15
     * Required:    3.3
     * Author:      Thomas Scholz
     * Author URI:  http://toscho.de
     * License:     GPL
     * Report Broken Video, Copyright (C) 2012 Thomas Scholz
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     * (at your option) any later version.
     * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU General Public License for more details.
    ! defined( \'ABSPATH\' ) and exit;
    add_action( \'after_setup_theme\', array ( \'Report_Broken_Video\', \'init\' ) );
    class Report_Broken_Video
         * Internal variables prefix.
         * @type string
        protected $prefix = \'rbv\';
         * Name for a field that is hidden per CSS and filled by spammers only.
         * @type string
        protected $hidden_field = \'no_fill\';
         * URL of the current page.
         * @see __construct()
         * @type string
        protected $current_url = \'\';
         * nonce = number used once, unique identifier for request validation.
         * @type string
        protected $nonce_name = \'rbv_nonce\';
         * On which post types do we want to show the form?
         * @type array
        protected $post_types = array ( \'post\' );
         * Creates a new instance. Called on \'after_setup_theme\'.
         * @see    __construct()
         * @return void
        public static function init()
            new self;
         * Set actions, filters and basic variables, load language.
         * @uses apply_filters() \'rbv_button\' as action name
         *      \'rbv_auto_add_button\' to append the form automatically
         *      \'rbv_post_types\' for supported post types (default: \'post\')
        public function __construct()
            add_action( $this->prefix . \'_button\', array ( $this, \'print_button\' ) );
            $auto_add = apply_filters( $this->prefix . \'_auto_add_button\', TRUE );
            $auto_add and add_filter( \'the_content\', array ( $this, \'append_button\' ), 50 );
            $this->current_url = $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'];
            $this->post_types  = apply_filters(
                $this->prefix . \'_post_types\',
            $lang_loaded       = load_plugin_textdomain(
                basename( __DIR__ ) . \'/lang\'
         * Handler for the action \'rbv_button\'. Prints the button.
         * @return void
        public function print_button()
            print $this->button_form();
         * Handler for content filter.
         * @param  string $content Existing content
         * @return string
        public function append_button( $content )
            return $content . $this->button_form();
         * Returns the button form or a feedback message after submit.
         * @return string
        public function button_form()
            if ( \'POST\' != $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_METHOD\'] )
                return $this->get_form();
            return $this->handle_submit();
         * Returns the form or an empty string.
         * @uses apply_filters() \'rbv_show_form\' to suppress form output.
         * @return string
        public function get_form()
            global $post;
            if ( empty ( $post )
                or ! in_array( get_post_type( $post ), $this->post_types )
                // You may disable the form conditionally. For example: restrict it
                // to posts with post-format \'video\'.
                or ! apply_filters( $this->prefix . \'_show_form\', TRUE, $post )
                return \'\';
            $post_id = (int) $post->ID;
            $url          = esc_attr( $this->current_url );
            $hidden       = $this->get_hidden_field();
            $nonce        = wp_create_nonce( __FILE__ );
            $button_text  = __( \'Report broken video\', \'plugin_rbv\' );
            $form = <<<RBVFORM
    <form method=\'post\' action=\'$url\' class=\'{$this->prefix}_form\'>
        <input type=\'hidden\' name=\'{$this->prefix}[$this->nonce_name]\' value=\'$nonce\' />
        <input type=\'hidden\' name=\'{$this->prefix}[post_id]\' value=\'$post_id\' />
        <input type=\'submit\' name=\'{$this->prefix}[report]\' value=\'$button_text\' />
            return $form;
         * Hidden text field as spam protection.
         * @return string
        protected function get_hidden_field()
            // prevent doubled IDs if you use the_content() on archive pages.
            static $counter = 0;
            $field = $this->hidden_field . "_$counter";
            $title = __( \'Leave this empty\', \'plugin_rbv\' );
            return "<style scoped>#$field{display:none}</style>
                <input name=\'{$this->prefix}[$field]\' title=\'$title\' />";
         * Handle form submission.
         * @uses apply_filters() \'rbv_recipient\' to set the mail recipient.
         *      \'rbv_from\' to set the \'From\' header.
         * @return string
        protected function handle_submit()
            if ( ! isset ( $_POST[ $this->prefix ] )
                or \'\' == trim( implode( \'\', $_POST[ $this->prefix ] ) )
                or ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ $this->prefix ][ $this->nonce_name ], __FILE__ )
                or ! empty ( $_POST[ $this->prefix ][ $this->hidden_field ] )
                or   empty ( $_POST[ $this->prefix ][ \'post_id\' ] )
                return $this->get_form();
            $blog_name = get_bloginfo( \'name\' );
            $url       = get_permalink( (int) $_POST[ $this->prefix ][ \'post_id\' ] );
            // Pro tempore. You may add an option for this in \'wp-admin\'.
            $recipient = get_option( \'admin_email\' );
            $recipient = apply_filters( $this->prefix . \'_recipient\', $recipient );
            $subject   = sprintf(
                __( \'Broken video on %s\', \'plugin_rbv\' ),
            $message  = sprintf(
                __( "There is a broken video on:\\n <%s>", \'plugin_rbv\' ),
            $from     = "From: [RBV] $blog_name <$recipient>";
            $from     = apply_filters( $this->prefix . \'_from\', $from );
            $send     = wp_mail( $recipient, $subject, $message, $from );
            $error    = __(
                \'Sorry, we could not send the report. May we ask you to use the contact page instead?\',
            $success  = __( "Thank you! We will take a look.", \'plugin_rbv\' );
            $feedback = $send ? $success : $error;
            return "<p class=\'{$this->prefix}_result\'>$feedback</p>";
    更新GitHub存储库:Plugin Report Broken Video.


  • 结束



    如果我在首页中使用is\\u front\\u page()。php文件它按预期工作。但是,如果我在主题函数中使用相同的函数。php文件它不工作。这是正常行为吗?如果不是的话,能不能设法解决问题?在“设置->阅读”中,我将我的首页设置为一个名为“首页”的页面,所以我认为一切都已设置完毕。EDIT将以下内容添加到函数中。php不起作用,但我保证,如果我在标题中添加is\\u home\\u page(),它会像预期的那样起作用。php文件add_action(\'init\', \'my_test\'