// Query just the category static and make the link manually editable through the \'URL\' custom field
$paged = (get_query_var(\'paged\')) ? get_query_var(\'paged\') : 1;
$args= array(
\'category_name\' => \'static\',
\'paged\' => $paged
if( have_posts() ) :?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php foreach( get_the_category() as $cat ) echo \'<div class="module \' . $cat->slug . \'" data-category="\' . $cat->slug . \'" >\'; ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, \'URL\', true); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<div class="active">
<div class="hover"></div>
<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
<h1><?php the_title(); ?> <span>/ Explode here</span></h1>
// Call in the contents of a custom field called Excerpt and if custom field in admin panel is empty don\'t display <p> tags otherwise wrap contents in <p> tags
if($excerpt != \'\') {
echo \'<p>\'. $excerpt .\'</p>\';
} else {
echo \' \';
<p class="date"><!-- for sorting boxes, use post id or date format must be yyyyMMdd--><?php the_time(\'Ydm\') ?></p>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>