
时间:2012-05-01 作者:Travis Pflanz


在我的战斗中,我想我应该尝试向Bwp_editor 带有一个注释,简单描述何时使用和何时不使用B 以及何时使用Heading 相反

我不确定这是否会对如何瞄准它产生影响,但我还应该注意,我使用wp_editor 在评论、用户配置文件的bio部分以及新帖子屏幕上的自定义元字段上。

我已经使用-How to Add Reminders/Notes to New Post Meta Boxes

我创建了一个alerts.js 文件位于/theme_name/js/ 并在我的functions.php

//Load jQuery to display New Post meta notes.
function load_my_alerts(){
        get_template_directory_uri() . \'/js/alerts.js\', 
        array( \'jquery\' )
    wp_enqueue_script( \'my_alerts\' );
add_action(\'admin_enqueue_scripts\', \'load_my_alerts\');


$(\'<div/>\', {
    id: \'tags-meta-reminder\',
    class: \'meta-box-reminder\',
    html: \'<p style="padding:5px;border:2px #fdff30 solid">Add 1 to 5 tags to describle your article. Any tags beyond the first 5 will be automatically removed. <a href="/faq#tags" target="_blank">Need Help?</a></p>\'
}).appendTo(\'#tagsdiv-post_tag .howto\');

$(\'<div/>\', {
    id: \'category-meta-reminder\',
    class: \'meta-box-reminder\',
    html: \'<p class="howto" style="margin:1em;line-height:1.4em;padding:5px;border:2px #fdff30 solid">Select only 1 category for your article. If you select multiple categories, they will be removed and the category listed 1st alphabetically will become the category for your article. <a href="/faq#categories" target="_blank">Need Help?</a></p>\'

$(\'<div/>\', {
    id: \'featured-image-meta-reminder\',
    class: \'meta-box-reminder\',
    html: \'<p class="howto" style="margin:1em;line-height:1.4em;padding:5px;border:2px #fdff30 solid">Upload an image at least 640px wide and 360px tall. <a href="/faq#add_featured" target="_blank">Need Help?</a></p>\'

$(\'<div/>\', {
    id: \'cite-meta-reminder\',
    class: \'meta-box-reminder\',
    html: \'<p class="howto" style="margin:1em;line-height:1.4em;padding:5px;border:2px #fdff30 solid">Fill out the information in this section when your article directly references another article, blog post, interview, TV or radio show segment, etc. Fill it out as completely as possible, but not all fields are required. Do not fill out this section if you are simply referencing box scores or statistics. <a href="/faq#cite" target="_blank">Need Help?</a></p>\'


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:EAMann 整理而成

可视化编辑器上的“bold”图标由<span>mce_bold. 您可以很容易地使用jQuery确定目标并添加工具提示:

jQuery(\'.mce_bold\').attr(\'title\', \'Please use an H2 tag instead.\');

jQuery(\'.mce_bold, #qt_content_strong\').attr(\'title\', \'Please use an H2 tag instead.\');
更新,将其添加到alert.js 文件,只需将其添加到jQuery中ready() 像这样打电话:


    $(\'<div/>\', { // Cut out for brevity

    $(\'<div/>\', { // Cut out for brevity

    $(\'<div/>\', { // Cut out for brevity

    $(\'<div/>\', { // Cut out for brevity

    $(\'.mce_bold, #qt_content_strong\').attr(\'title\', \'Please use an H2 tag instead.\');
我没有复制你的全部代码,只是让你知道应该把东西放在哪里。此外,由于您位于定义$ 作为的别名jQuery, 你可以用它来代替。


