function hierarchical_submenu($post) {
$top_post = $post;
// If the post has ancestors, get its ultimate parent and make that the top post
if ($post->post_parent && $post->ancestors) {
$top_post = get_post(end($post->ancestors));
// Always start traversing from the top of the tree
return hierarchical_submenu_get_children($top_post, $post);
function hierarchical_submenu_get_children($post, $current_page) {
$menu = \'\';
// Get all immediate children of this page
$children = get_pages(\'child_of=\' . $post->ID . \'&parent=\' . $post->ID . \'&sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=ASC\');
if ($children) {
$menu = "\\n<ul>\\n";
foreach ($children as $child) {
// If the child is the viewed page or one of its ancestors, highlight it
if (in_array($child->ID, get_post_ancestors($current_page)) || ($child->ID == $current_page->ID)) {
$menu .= \'<li class="active"><a href="\' . get_permalink($child) . \'" class="first-li active">\' . $child->post_title . \'</a>\';
} else {
if (strcmp($child->post_title, " ")) {
$menu .= \'<li><a href="\' . get_permalink($child) . \'">\' . $child->post_title . \'</a>\';
// If the page has children and is the viewed page or one of its ancestors, get its children
if (get_children($child->ID) && (in_array($child->ID, get_post_ancestors($current_page)) || ($child->ID == $current_page->ID))) {
$menu .= hierarchical_submenu_get_children($child, $current_page);
$menu .= "</li>\\n";
$menu .= "</ul>\\n";
return $menu;
if (strcmp($child->post_title, " ")) {
$menu .= \'<li><a href="\' . get_permalink($child) . \'">\' . $child->post_title . \'</a>\';