
时间:2012-09-02 作者:unfulvio


我想查询$wpdb 以这种方式检索帖子

帖子必须为“事件”帖子类型“事件”必须与特定$location “位置”分类中的术语必须按“event\\u date”自定义元值(实际上是yymmdd 格式),与今天的当前日期相比,我尝试使用以下查询参数(我可以获得$location 值(ID或slug)正确,并传递到此查询):

SELECT  $wpdb->posts.* 
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta ON($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id)
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships ON($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id)
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON($wpdb->term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id)
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms ON($wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id = $wpdb->terms.term_id)
FROM    $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->postmeta
WHERE   $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id 
AND     $wpdb->terms.term_id = $location
AND     $wpdb->term_taxonomy.taxonomy = \'locations\'
AND     $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id 
AND     $wpdb->posts.post_type = \'event\'
AND     $wpdb->posts.post_status = \'publish\' 
AND     $wpdb->postmeta.meta_key = \'event_date\'
AND     $wpdb->postmeta.meta_value > NOW()
ORDER   BY $wpdb->postmeta.meta_value ASC
LIMIT   $numberofposts
查询不工作;如果我删除了连接部分和分类部分,它将起作用,通过将“event\\u date”meta与NOW() 日期


按照建议,我试着WP_Query 而不是$wpdb 查询:

$args = array(
    \'post_type\' => \'event\',
    \'tax_query\' => array(
            \'taxonomy\' => \'locations\',
            \'field\' => \'id\',
            \'terms\' => $location // location term id
    \'meta_key\' => \'event_date\',  // this meta field stores event date in yymmdd format
    \'meta_value\' => $today,  // this would be today\'s date in yymmdd format
    \'meta_compare\' => \'>=\',
    \'posts_per_page\' => $numberofposts, // this variable stores the number of posts I want to get
    \'orderby\' => \'meta_value_num\'
但是,在后一种情况下,查询将返回指定post\\u类型下的所有post,而不考虑$args 包括排序顺序

我试过使用meta_query 而不是meta_key 但结果并没有改变

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Milo 整理而成

你的输入有误orderby, 和meta_value_num 仅用作orderby 值,请尝试以下操作:

$args = array(
    \'post_type\' => \'event\',
    \'tax_query\' => array(
            \'taxonomy\' => \'locations\',
            \'field\' => \'id\',
            \'terms\' => $location // location term id
    \'meta_key\' => \'event_date\',  // this meta field stores event date in yymmdd format
    \'meta_value\' => $today,  // this would be today\'s date in yymmdd format
    \'meta_compare\' => \'>=\',
    \'posts_per_page\' => $numberofposts, // this variable stores the number of posts I want to get
    \'orderby\'=> \'meta_value_num\'



用于初始化WordPress的JQuery Masonry的脚本

这两者有什么不同(http://pastebin.com/PX0YB0hy)及(http://pastebin.com/VBqiMHVQ)用于JQuery砌体。为什么第一个有效而第二个无效。在这两种情况下,我都使用wp\\u enqueue\\u脚本添加脚本。谢谢