
时间:2012-10-24 作者:Dwayne Charrington


My shortcode is as follows:

add_shortcode(\'column\', \'column_shortcode\');
function column_shortcode($atts, $content = \'\')
       \'count\' => 12
    ), $atts));

    if (stripos($count, \'_\') === FALSE)
        if ((int) $count > 12)
            $count = 12;

    $html = \'<div class="column-\'.$count.\' column">\';
    $html .= do_shortcode($content);
    $html .= \'</div>\';

    return $html;

实际上,在输出的HTML中,内部的列被过早地关闭了,我看到在前端显示了用段落标记包装的[/column]。然而,如果我创建另一个快捷码并将其称为child,则使用与上面完全相同的代码,只有child shrotcode只是[child],而不是[column],一切都按预期工作。


Exhibit A - does not work

[column count="9"]

[column count="8_9"]

Welcome to the site.

Who\'s brave enough to fly into something we all keep calling a death sphere? Well, then good news! It\'s a suppository. A true inspiration for the children. Ah, computer dating. It\'s like pimping, but you rarely have to use the phrase "upside your head."



Exhibit B - works

[column count="9"]

[child count="8_9"]

Welcome to the site.

Who\'s brave enough to fly into something we all keep calling a death sphere? Well, then good news! It\'s a suppository. A true inspiration for the children. Ah, computer dating. It\'s like pimping, but you rarely have to use the phrase "upside your head."



3 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Mridul Aggarwal 整理而成

这是一个已知的问题。如果您在另一个具有相同名称的短代码中有一个短代码,wordpress解析器将无法正确处理它们。这在codex page for shortcode API 在限制下。

从链接页面However the parser will fail if a shortcode macro is used to enclose another macro of the same name



[column count="9" child="8_9" 8_9_text="

Welcome to the site.

Who\'s brave enough to fly into something we all keep calling a death sphere? Well, then good news! It\'s a suppository. A true inspiration for the children. Ah, computer dating. It\'s like pimping, but you rarely have to use the phrase "upside your head."
" /]

function shortcode_handler($atts, $content, $tag) {
        $output = shortcode_handler(array(\'count\'=>$atts[\'child\']), $atts[$atts[\'child\'].\'_text\'])

    // Do something else with the output


SO网友:Trey Welstad


打开文件“wp includes/shortcode”。并将do\\u shortcode()函数(第201行)更改为

function do_shortcode($content) {
    global $shortcode_tags;

    if (empty($shortcode_tags) || !is_array($shortcode_tags))
        return $content;

    $content = enable_recursive_shortcodes($content);

    $pattern = get_shortcode_regex();
    return preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/s", \'do_shortcode_tag\', $content );
所有更改都是添加*$内容=enable\\u recursive\\u短代码($内容)*


在do\\u shortcode()函数上方添加以下函数

 * Add shortcode suffix enabling recursive shortchodes.
 * This function goes inside the set of $recursive_tags and adds a suffix to
 * the shortcode name so it will allow a shortcode to call itself in its content
 * @since 2.5
 * @return string Content with recursive shortcodes modified out.
function enable_recursive_shortcodes($content) {

    $recursive_tags = array( \'column\', \'div\', \'span\', \'table\' ); // define recursive shortcodes, these must have closing tags 
    $suffix = \'__recursive\'; // suffix is added to the tag of recursive shortcodes

    $content = str_replace( $suffix, \'\', $content ); // remove old suffix on shortcodes to start process over

    foreach( $recursive_tags as $recursive_tag ) {

        $open_tag = \'[\' . $recursive_tag . \' \';
        $close_tag = \'[/\'. $recursive_tag . \']\';

        $open_tags = 0;

        $open_pos = stripos( $content, $open_tag ); // find first opening tag

        $offset = $open_pos + strlen( $open_tag ); // set offset for first closing tag

        while( $open_pos !== false ) {

            $close_pos = stripos( $content, $close_tag, $offset ); // find first closing tag

            if(++$open_tags > 1) { // if we are inside an open tag

                // modify open tag from original shortcode name
                $content = substr( $content, 0, $open_pos ) . 
                            \'[\' .$recursive_tag . $suffix . \' \' . 
                              substr( $content, $offset ); 
                // modify closing tag from original shortcode name
                $content = substr( $content, 0, $close_pos + strlen($suffix) ) . 
                            \'[/\'.$recursive_tag.\'__recursive]\' . 
                            substr( $content, $close_pos + strlen( $close_tag ) + strlen($suffix) ); 

            $open_pos = stripos( $content, $open_tag, $offset ); // find next opening tag

            if( $close_pos < $open_pos ) $open_tags--; // if closing tag comes before next opening tag, lower open tag count

            $offset = $open_pos + strlen($open_tag); // set new offset for next open tag search



    return $content;

请确保根据需要更新$recursive\\u tags变量。只有这些标记才会检查同名子项。这些标记必须有结束标记[列][列],因为[列/]不起作用。由于函数在标记中的搜索方式,它们在开始标记中的短代码名称后面必须有空格,而在结束标记中必须没有空格。如果有人更新代码以允许[列]或[列/]样式的短代码工作,请共享。

SO网友:John Watkins


function render_column( $atts, $content ) {
    // etc.

    return apply_filters( \'the_content\', $content );

add_shortcode( \'column\', \'render_column\' );
add_shortcode( \'column-level-2\', \'render_column\' );
add_shortcode( \'column-level-3\', \'render_column\' );



通过Java脚本for Google Maps API从Custom Post中提取地址

我创建了一个带有自定义帖子的主题,并将其输出到带有位置标记的谷歌地图。用户将创建一个自定义贴子用户,并包括街道地址,这些地址将使用谷歌地图API v3进行地理编码,并在谷歌地图上放置一个标记。我对自定义Wordpress主题的编码和设计相对较新,因此我正在尝试用javascript为Google Maps API从每个自定义帖子中获取信息。有人能解释一下这是怎么做到的吗?谢谢,AME