这是一个老问题,我从来没有深入研究过,也没有解释过。But 我有一个插件,written a long time ago. 它仍然有效,但在阅读时要记住代码的年代。:)我没有为这篇报道做太多改变。
Plugin Name: T5 Canonical Permalink
Plugin URI: http://toscho.de/2010/wordpress-plugin-canonical-permalink/
Description: Removes illegal numeric suffixes from the request URI.
Version: 0.3
Author: Thomas Scholz
Author URI: http://toscho.de
Created: 04.04.2010
add_action(\'wp\', \'t5_canonical_request\');
* WordPress allows URIs with any numeric suffix, e.g.:
* /canonical-page-or-postname/12345/
* This functions performs a simple check and redirects
* to the canonical URI if neccessary.
* @return void
function t5_canonical_request()
global $page, $post;
// post, page, attachment, preview
if ( ! is_singular() or is_preview() )
$permalink = get_permalink();
// We don\'t have access to the number of sub pages here.
// So we have to hack.
$max_pages = substr_count(
$post->post_content, \'<!--nextpage-->\') + 1;
if ( 1 < $page and $page <= $max_pages )
* Handle different permalink settings, eg:
* /%year%/%postname%.html or
* /%year%/%postname%/
$rev_perma_struct = strrev(get_option(\'permalink_structure\'));
if ( \'/\' != $rev_perma_struct[0] )
$permalink .= "/$page";
$permalink .= "$page/";
$host_uri = \'http\'
. ( empty ( $_SERVER[\'HTTPS\'] ) ? \'\' : \'s\' )
. \'://\' . $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'];
$canonical_path = str_replace($host_uri, \'\', $permalink);
if ( ! empty ( $_GET ) )
global $wp;
// Array
$allowed = $wp->public_query_vars;
$out_arr = array();
foreach ( $_GET as $k => $v )
if ( in_array($k, $allowed ) )
$out_arr[] = $k . ( empty ( $v ) ? \'\' : "=$v" );
if ( ! empty ( $out_arr ) )
$canonical_path .= \'?\' . implode(\'&\', $out_arr);
if ( $canonical_path == $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] )
// Debug current result:
#print \'<pre>\' . var_export($canonical_path, TRUE) . \'</pre>\';
// Change it or return \'false\' to stop the redirect.
$canonical_path = apply_filters(
if ( FALSE != $canonical_path )
header(\'Location: \' . $permalink, true, 301);
die("<a href=\'$permalink\'>$permalink</a>");