
时间:2012-11-02 作者:lkraav

我正在添加一个名为“摘录”的自定义列,其中包含Codepress Admin列,我想知道该摘录何时尚未填写。如果缺少摘录,WordPress会自动显示帖子内容。这也可以通过从post列表屏幕打开“摘录视图”进行测试。


3 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Adam 整理而成

Just illustrating this in full effect here with the filters and functions for both the adding of custom column and testing for excerpt existence.

Note, I\'ve purposely ripped the guts out of has_excerpt to show you in effect what is occurring under the hood. You can use !has_excerpt in its place.

add_filter(\'the_excerpt\', \'no_excerpt\');
add_filter(\'manage_posts_columns\' , \'excerpt_column\');
add_action( \'manage_posts_custom_column\' , \'excerpt_column_content\', 10, 2 );

function no_excerpt(){
    //replace empty( $post->post_excerpt ) with !has_excerpt if you wish
    if ( is_admin() && empty( $post->post_excerpt ) ) 
    return \'not here buddy!\';

function excerpt_column($columns) {
    return array_merge( $columns, array(\'excerpt_column\' => __(\'Excerpt\')) );

function excerpt_column_content( $column, $post_id ) {

This does not take into account any efficiencies that can be had by arranging and or calling your functions by different means, this is only an example. In my test case,

"not here buddy!"

...is what will be returned when no excerpt is present. Change to suit your needs.

enter image description here


has_excerpt() 检查手动摘录的函数。

根据您的需要,您可以使用它来构建列输出以用于逻辑,也可以连接到the_excerpt 如果当前帖子没有手动摘录,则返回空白。


您可以通过以下过滤器挂钩从\\u内容禁用自动摘录生成。我个人出于rest api的目的需要它,但无法使用has_excerpt() 在我的模板中。

remove_filter(\'get_the_excerpt\', \'wp_trim_excerpt\');



excerpt in characters

我在函数中有代码。php:function string_limit_words($string, $word_limit) { $words = explode(\' \', $string, ($word_limit + 1)); if(count($words) > $word_limit) array_pop($words); return implode(\' \', $words); } 但我需要限制摘录的字符数,