首先,正确缩进代码。您的编辑器/IDE应该具有自动魔术自动缩进工具。Use them, they\'re there for a reason, 他们不仅仅是一些开发人员,他们对漂亮的代码有很高的评价。
e、 g。
// this will contains arrays representing all posts of each type
$post_types = array();
// We will now use our main loop to collect data ( not print it )
while (has_posts()){ // use braces, the while(): endwhile; syntax doesn\'t play nice with editors and the highlighting
$type = get_post_type();
// we may never have come across this type of post before, so make sure there\'s an empty array ready to receive the content
if( !isset($post_types[$type]) )
$post_types[$type] = array();
// now create the content for this post, and insert it into the array filed under the relevant post type
$post_content = \'<li>\'.get_the_title().\'</li>\';
// notice how [] will append to the end of the array without you having to figure out indexes etc
$post_types[$type][] = $post_content;
// now we\'ve done our main loop, lets process the data we collected and display it
foreach ( $post_types as $type => $posts ) {
// get the post types label
$label = get_post_type_object(get_post_type())->label;
echo \'<h2>\'.$label.\'</h2>\';
// display this post types content
echo \'<ul>\';
foreach($posts as $post_content ) {
echo $post_content;
echo \'</ul>\';