在每次上传的基础上选择要生成的图像大小肯定会有点复杂。但是,如果您可以完全删除默认图像大小,那么您有几个选项,如中所述this article:
要防止生成这些大小并从媒体上载程序中删除它们,可以在函数中放置以下代码。php文件(也摘自文章,我还没有测试此代码):UPDATE: <我在WP 3.5.1中测试了这段代码,它运行得非常好
* Remove standard image sizes so that these sizes are not
* created during the Media Upload process
* Tested with WP 3.2.1
* Hooked to intermediate_image_sizes_advanced filter
* See wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) in wp-admin/includes/image.php
* @param $sizes, array of default and added image sizes
* @return $sizes, modified array of image sizes
* @author Ade Walker http://www.studiograsshopper.ch
function sgr_filter_image_sizes( $sizes) {
unset( $sizes[\'thumbnail\']);
unset( $sizes[\'medium\']);
unset( $sizes[\'large\']);
return $sizes;
add_filter(\'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced\', \'sgr_filter_image_sizes\');