我目前在一个我正在开发的网站上有一个页面,其中包含一个循环,循环通过一个称为治疗的自定义帖子类型中包含的4篇帖子。http://wptest.lancscps.co.uk/treatment-approaches/ 正如您所看到的,这里有一篇post\\u摘录,我希望用户能够点击一篇包含全部信息的自定义帖子。
// Custom loop that adds a clearing class to the first item in each row
$args = array(\'numberposts\' => -1, \'order\' => \'ASC\', \'post_type\' => \'treatments\' ); //For this example I am setting the arguments to return all posts in reverse chronological order. Odds are this will be a different query for your project
$allposts = get_posts($args);
$numCol = 2; // Set number of columns
// Start Counter
$counter = 0;
foreach ($allposts as $post) {
$content = \'<div class="six columns margin-main-content\'.\' \'.($counter % $numCol == 0 ? \'alpha\' : \'omega\').\'">\'; // Add class to the columns depending on if it is odd or even
$content .= \'<section class="treatments lightgrey-background">\';
$content .= \'<figure>\'.get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, \'post-two-column\' ).\'</figure>\';
//we need to provide a fallback image in the form of an if else statement?
$content .= \'<h4>\'.$post->post_title.\'</h4>\';
$content .= \'<p>\'.$post->post_excerpt.\'</p>\';
$content .= \'<a href="\'.get_permalink( $post->ID ).\'"class="button">Find Out More</a>\';
$content .= \'</section>\';
$content .= \'</div>\';
echo $content;
$counter ++;
SO网友:Jonathan Beech
在我的例子中,我创建了一个名为single Treations的文件。php页面