
时间:2013-04-19 作者:r jones



所以如果邮件来自XXX.com, 将其所有帖子发布到X类别,但如果是从ZZZ.com, 将其发布到Z类别。


Plugin Name: Postie Filter
Plugin URI: http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins/postie
Description: Adds my own custom filter to messages posted by postie
Version: 1.4
Author: Robert Felty
Author URI: http://blog.robfelty.com/

* Any filter function you write should accept one argument, which is the post
array, which contains the following fields:

Your function can modify any of these fields. It should then return the array

Two example functions are provided here

function filter_content($post) {
  //this function prepends a link to bookmark the category of the post
  $this_cat = get_the_category($post[\'ID\']);
  $link = \'<a href="\' . get_category_link($this_cat[0]->term_id) . 
  \'">Bookmark this category</a>\' . "\\n";
  $post[\'post_content\'] = $link . $post[\'post_content\'];
  return ($post);

function filter_title($post) {
  //this function appends "(via postie)" to the title (subject)
  $post[\'post_title\']= $post[\'post_title\'] . \' (via postie)\';
  return ($post);

function auto_tag($post) {
  // this function automatically inserts tags for a post
  $my_tags=array(\'cooking\', \'latex\', \'wordpress\');
  foreach ($my_tags as $my_tag) {
    if (stripos($post[\'post_content\'], $my_tag)!==false)
      array_push($post[\'tags_input\'], $my_tag);
  return ($post);

function add_custom_field($post) {
  //this function appends "(via postie)" to the title (subject)
  add_post_meta($post[\'ID\'], \'postie\', \'postie\');
  return ($post);

add_filter(\'postie_post\', \'filter_title\');
add_filter(\'postie_post\', \'filter_content\');
add_filter(\'postie_post\', \'add_custom_field\');
add_filter(\'postie_post\', \'auto_tag\');

1 个回复
SO网友:Charles Clarkson


你必须搜索代码才能确认,但“email\\u author”似乎就是这篇文章的作者电子邮件。为什么它不被命名为“author\\u email”,这是任何人的猜测。


if ( \'zzz.com\' == $post[\'email_author\'] ) {
    // Add category Z.
} else if ( \'yyy.com\' == $post[\'email_author\'] ) {
    // Add category Y.
但是,首先,让我们后退一点。您的筛选函数都被同一个钩子(“posite\\u post”)调用。(过滤器是一个钩子。另一种类型的WordPress钩子是一个动作。)因此,您可以将所有内容放在同一个函数中:

add_filter( \'postie_post\', \'postie_custom_changes\' );

 * Make several custom changes to a Postie post.
function postie_custom_changes( $post ) {

    if ( \'zzz.com\' == $post->\'email_author\' ) {
        // Add category X.
    } else if ( \'zzz.com\' == $post->\'email_author\' ) {
        // Add category Y.

    // Prepend a link to bookmark the category of the post.
    $category = get_the_category( $post[\'ID\'] );
    $link = \'<a href="\' . get_category_link( $category[0]->term_id ) . \'">Bookmark this category</a>\' . "\\n";
    $post[\'post_content\'] = $link . $post[\'post_content\'];

    // Appends "(via postie)" to the title (subject).
    $post[\'post_title\'] = $post[\'post_title\'] . \' (via postie)\';

    // Insert tags for a post.
    foreach ( $my_tags as array( \'cooking\', \'latex\', \'wordpress\' ) ) {

        if ( stripos( $post[\'post_content\'], $my_tag ) !== false )
            array_push( $post[\'tags_input\'], $my_tag );

    // Append "(via postie)" to the title (subject).
    add_post_meta( $post[\'ID\'], \'postie\', \'postie\' );

    return $post;
我所做的其他更改是对注释、缩进和$this_cat$category 因为缩写“类别”这个词让我烦透了

“postie\\u post”筛选器似乎在创建帖子后运行。谷歌搜索互联网上的管道可以打开WordPress功能wp_set_post_categories()


// Replace categories on some posts.
if ( \'zzz.com\' == $post[\'email_author\'] ) {
    wp_set_post_categories( $post[\'ID\'], array( 2 ) );

} else if ( \'yyy.com\' == $post[\'email_author\'] ) {
    wp_set_post_categories( $post[\'ID\'], array( 1 ) );
假设该类别Y id为1 和类别Z id为2.

您可能还想更改$post[\'category\'] 设置也一样。

// Replace categories on some posts.
if ( \'zzz.com\' == $post[\'email_author\'] ) {
    wp_set_post_categories( $post[\'ID\'], array( 2 ) );
    $post[\'category\'] = array( 2 );

} else if ( \'yyy.com\' == $post[\'email_author\'] ) {
    wp_set_post_categories( $post[\'ID\'], array( 1 ) );
    $post[\'category\'] = array( 1 );



Functions.php Problem

当我在函数顶部添加第3-19行时。php,然后尝试更新图像。phpI get the error \"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent\" when I try to update my image.php.第3-19行的代码为“我的图像库”创建自定义的下一个/上一个链接,并将最后一个链接重定向到“更多库”页面。我的代码可以在这里看到:http://pastebin.com/Yen04t2z