
时间:2013-06-02 作者:Daniel Foltynek



1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:fuxia 整理而成

过滤器comment_form_field_comment 添加select 带有label. comment_post 保存值

  • 过滤器comment_text 显示注释的值
  • 示例代码:

    add_filter( \'comment_form_field_comment\', function( $field ) {
        global $wp_roles;
        $user = wp_get_current_user();
        $select = \'<p><label for="roleselect">Your role:</label>
        <select name="prefix_role" id="roleselect">
        <option value="">Select a role</option>\';
        foreach ( $wp_roles->roles as $key => $role )
            $select .= sprintf(
                \'<option value="%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</option>\',
                esc_attr( $key ),
                ( in_array( $key, $user->roles) ? \'selected\' : \'\' ),
                esc_html( $role[\'name\'] )
        $select .= \'</select></p>\';
        return $select . $field;
    add_action( \'comment_post\', function( $comment_ID ) {
        $roles = new WP_Roles;
        $role_keys = array_keys( $roles->roles );
        if ( isset ( $_POST[\'prefix_role\'] ) and in_array( $_POST[\'prefix_role\'], $role_keys ) )
            update_comment_meta( $comment_ID, \'prefix_role\', $_POST[\'prefix_role\'] );
    add_filter( \'comment_text\', function( $text, $comment ) {
        if ( $role = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, \'prefix_role\', TRUE ) )
            $text = "Role: $role<br> $text";
        return $text;
    }, 10, 2 );


    <?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    namespace WPSE;
     * Plugin Name: Comment Meta Demo
     * Description: Create, save and display a comment meta field. Here, a commentator can select a role.
     * Plugin URI:  http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/101579/73
     * Version:     2013.06.06
     * Author:      Fuxia Scholz
     * Licence:     MIT
     * License URI: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
        array( __NAMESPACE__ . \'\\Comment_Meta_Controller\', \'init\' )
     * Controller
     * Assigns Views and models to actions and filters
    class Comment_Meta_Controller
         * Callback for add_action(). Creates a new instance.
         * @wp-hook login_init
        public function init()
            return new self;
         * Set up objects, register footer action callback.
         * @wp-hook login_init
        protected function __construct()
            $data   = new Comment_Meta_Builtin_Roles( \'_comment_role\' );
            // Use this for custom roles instead
            //$data   = new Comment_Meta_Custom_Roles( \'_comment_role\' );
            $input  = new Comment_Meta_Role_Selector( $data );
            $output = new Comment_Meta_Role_Display( $data );
            // remove this if you want to show the select field with
            // do_action( \'comment_role_selector\' );
            \\add_filter( \'comment_form_field_comment\', array ( $input, \'show\' ), 10, 2 );
            \\add_action( \'comment_role_selector\', array ( $input, \'print_select\' ) );
            // remove this if you want to show the select field with
            // do_action( \'comment_role_selector\' );
            \\add_filter( \'comment_text\', array ( $output, \'show\' ), 10, 2 );
            \\add_action( \'comment_role_value\', array ( $output, \'show_action\' ), 10, 2 );
            if ( \'POST\' === $_SERVER[ \'REQUEST_METHOD\' ] )
                \\add_action( \'comment_post\', array ( $data, \'save\' ) );
     * Base class for handling comment meta data.
    abstract class Comment_Meta_Data_Model
         * Meta key
         * @type string
        protected $key;
         * Constructor
         * @param string $key
        public function __construct( $key )
            $this->key = $key;
         * Get current key
         * @return string
        public function get_key()
            return $this->key;
         * Wrapper for the native get_comment_meta()
         * @param  int    $comment_ID
         * @return string
        public function get_comment_meta( $comment_ID )
            $meta    = \\get_comment_meta( $comment_ID, $this->key, TRUE );
            $allowed = $this->get_allowed_values();
            // get real display value
            if ( isset ( $allowed[ $meta ] ) )
                return $allowed[ $meta ];
            return \'\';
         * Save comment mate data.
         * @param  int  $comment_ID
         * @return bool
        public function save( $comment_ID )
            $role_keys = array_keys( $this->get_allowed_values() );
            if ( ! isset ( $_POST[ $this->key ] ) )
            if ( ! in_array( $_POST[ $this->key ], $role_keys ) )
            return \\update_comment_meta( $comment_ID, $this->key, $_POST[ $this->key ] );
         * Get user role.
        public function get_current_value()
            $user = \\wp_get_current_user();
            if ( empty ( $user->roles ) )
                return array ();
            return $user->roles;
         * @return array
        abstract public function get_allowed_values();
     * User roles as comment meta.
    class Comment_Meta_Builtin_Roles extends Comment_Meta_Data_Model
         * (non-PHPdoc)
         * @see WPSE.Comment_Meta_Data_Model::get_allowed_values()
        public function get_allowed_values()
            global $wp_roles;
            if ( empty ( $wp_roles ) )
                $wp_roles = new \\WP_Roles;
            $output = array();
            foreach ( $wp_roles->roles as $identifier => $role )
                $output[ $identifier ] = $role[\'name\'];
            return $output;
     * Custom roles for comment meta.
    class Comment_Meta_Custom_Roles extends Comment_Meta_Data_Model
         * (non-PHPdoc)
         * @see WPSE.Comment_Meta_Data_Model::get_allowed_values()
        public function get_allowed_values()
            return array (
                \'teacher\' => \'Teacher\',
                \'student\' => \'Student\'
     * Base class to show comment meta data.
    class Comment_Meta_View
         * Model
         * @type Comment_Meta_Data_Model
        protected $data;
         * Constructor.
         * @param Comment_Meta_Data_Model $data
        public function __construct( Comment_Meta_Data_Model $data )
            $this->data = $data;
     * Show role selector from comment meta
    class Comment_Meta_Role_Selector extends Comment_Meta_View
         * Add \'select\' field before textarea.
         * @param  string $text_field
         * @return string
        public function show( $text_field )
            return $this->get_select() . $text_field;
         * Select element.
         * @return string
        public function get_select()
            $allowed = $this->data->get_allowed_values();
            $current = $this->data->get_current_value();
            $key     = $this->data->get_key();
            // is the current value part of the allowed values?
            if ( ! empty ( $current ) && array() !== array_intersect( $allowed, $current ) )
                return $this->get_hidden_field( $key, $current[0] );
            $select = \'<p>\';
            $select .= sprintf( \'<label for="%1$s_id">Your role:</label>
                <select name="%1$s" id="%1$s_id">\',
            $select .= \'<option value="">Select a role</option>\';
            foreach ( $allowed as $internal => $display )
                $select .= sprintf(
                    \'<option value="%1$s">%2$s</option>\',
                    \\esc_attr( $internal ),
                    \\esc_html( $display )
            return $select . \'</select></p>\';
         * Print preselcted role as hidden input field.
         * @param  string $name Field name
         * @param  string $role Internal role name
         * @return string
        protected function get_hidden_field( $name, $role )
            return sprintf(
                \'<input type="hidden" name="%1$s" value="%2$s">\',
                esc_attr( $role )
         * Callback for do_action.
         * @wp-hook comment_role_selector
         * @return  void
        public function print_select()
            print $this->get_select();
     * Show current comment role.
    class Comment_Meta_Role_Display extends Comment_Meta_View
         * Add role to comment text.
         * @wp-hook comment_text
         * @param   string $text
         * @param   object $comment
         * @return  string
        public function show( $text, $comment )
            $role = $this->data->get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID );
            if ( \'\' !== $role )
                $text = "Role: $role<br> $text";
            return $text;
         * Print the comment meta value into a template.
         * Usage: <code>do_action( \'comment_role_value\', \'Role: %s<br>\', $comment );
         * @wp-hook comment_role_value
         * @param   string $template
         * @param   object $comment
         * @return  void
        public function show_action( $template, $comment )
            $role = $this->data->get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID );
            if ( \'\' !== $role )
                printf( $template, $role );

    1. Comment_Meta_Controller
    2. Comment_Meta_Data_Model处理注释数据的基类。不能按原样使用,必须扩展
    3. Comment_Meta_Builtin_Roles
      扩展Comment_Meta_Data_Model 并使用所有内置角色。我已经在测试中使用了它;您可能应该使用下一个类。更改控制器以执行此操作
    4. Comment_Meta_Custom_Roles
      扩展Comment_Meta_Data_Model. 替代方案Comment_Meta_Builtin_Roles.
    5. Comment_Meta_View
    6. Comment_Meta_Role_Selector
      扩展Comment_Meta_View. 创建select 要素它不知道数据源的任何信息,只从视图中获取其值
    7. Comment_Meta_Role_Display
      扩展Comment_Meta_View. 显示注释的当前值

    用法show the select field 要么…


    \\add_filter( \'comment_form_field_comment\', array ( $input, \'show\' ), 10, 2 );

    do_action( \'comment_role_selector\' );
    set custom values 对于允许的角色,请删除该行…

        $data   = new Comment_Meta_Builtin_Roles( \'_comment_role\' );

    change the meta key, 只需更改值\'_comment_role\'. 确保不要使用WordPress的内置键。

