Just created a GitHub Repo for my files : https://github.com/maisdesign/MDPostEforumsCreator
WordPress + BBPress + BuddyPress.
![It creates Articles and Forum with same name](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ghSDv.png)
这是我的代码,在@s\\u ha\\u dum(谢谢)的帮助下,现在可以部分工作了。
除了BBPress,是否有任何与wp\\U dropdown\\U categories(wp\\U dropdown\\U类别)等价的内容?
File index.php
Plugin Name: Post And Forum Creator by MaisDesign & Stestaz
Plugin URI: http://maisdesign.it
Description: You give it a title and it automatically create a blank post and forum with that title, that\'s it!
Version: 1.0.0
Author: MaisDesign & Stestaz
Author URI: http://maisdesign.it
License URI:
/* Documentazione:
Quello che sto cercando di ottenere è di svolgere tutto in una sola pagina, sono certo che non serva richiamare BBHOST e compagnia bella per inserire un cavolo di articolo ma sono le 2.20 AM e non so più che pesci pigliare!
In fondo a questa pagina troverai del codice commentato, se ci sono bestemmie nei commenti lasciale dove stanno, sono di buon auspicio :-P
/* Definiamo la versione */
define(\'MD_POSTFORUM_CREATOR_VERSION_KEY\', \'md_postforum_creator_version\');
define(\'MD_POSTFORUM_CREATOR_VERSION_NUM\', \'1.0.0\');
* This example will work at least on WordPress 2.6.3,
* but maybe on older versions too.
add_action( \'admin_init\', \'md_postforum_creator_init\' );
add_action( \'admin_menu\', \'md_postforum_creator_menu\' );
function md_postforum_creator_init() {
/* Register our stylesheet. */
wp_register_style( \'mdPostforumCreatorStyle\', plugins_url(\'css/mdpostforumstyle.css\', __FILE__) );
wp_register_script( \'mdPostforumCreatorScript\', plugins_url( \'/js/alajax-1.2.js\', __FILE__ ) );
function md_postforum_creator_menu() {
/* Register our plugin page */
$page = add_submenu_page( \'options.php\',
__( \'MDPFC Plugin\', \'md-postforum-creator\' ),
__( \'MDPFC Plugin\', \'md-postforum-creator\' ),
\'md_postforum_creator_manage_menu\' );
/* Using registered $page handle to hook stylesheet loading */
add_action( \'admin_print_styles-\' . $page, \'md_postforum_creator_styles\' );
add_action(\'admin_print_scripts-\' . $page, \'md_postforum_creator_scripts\');
function md_postforum_creator_styles() {
* It will be called only on your plugin admin page, enqueue our stylesheet here
wp_enqueue_style( \'mdPostforumCreatorStyle\' );
function md_postforum_creator_scripts() {
/* Link our already registered script to a page */
wp_enqueue_script( \'mdPostforumCreatorScript\' );
/*function md_postforum_creator_manage_menu() {
add_action(\'admin_menu\', \'register_md_postforum_creator_menu\');
function register_md_postforum_creator_menu() {
add_menu_page( \'MDPFC Options\', // $page_title
\'MDPFC Options\', // $menu_title
\'manage_options\', // $capability
\'md-postforum-creator-menu-page-slug\', // $menu_slug
\'md_postforum_creator_menu_page\', // $function
plugins_url( \'md-postforum-creator/images/mdpostforum.png\' ), /* $icon_url*/
3 ); /* $position*/
function md_postforum_creator_menu_page() {
/* Does the user have the right permissions?*/
if (!current_user_can(\'manage_options\')) {
wp_die( \'Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.\');
if(isset($_POST[\'new_post\']) == \'1\') {
$post_title = $_POST[\'post_title\'];
$post_category = $_POST[\'cat\'];
$post_content = $_POST[\'post_content\'];
$new_post = array(
\'ID\' => \'\',
\'post_author\' => $user->ID,
\'post_category\' => array($post_category),
\'post_content\' => \'\',
\'post_title\' => wp_strip_all_tags($post_title),
\'post_status\' => \'draft\'
$post_id = wp_insert_post($new_post);
if (is_plugin_active(\'bbpress/bbpress.php\')) {
$forum_id = bbp_insert_forum( array(
/*\'post_parent\' => bbp_get_group_forums_root_id(),*/
\'post_title\' => $post_title,
/*\'post_content\' => $group->description,*/
\'post_status\' => \'draft\'
) );
/*$default_forum = array(
$_POST[\'post_title\'] => array($post_category),
$forum = bbp_insert_forum( $default_forum );*/
echo \'
<form action="\'.admin_url(\'admin.php?page=md-postforum-creator-menu-page-slug\').\'" method="post">
<input type="text" name="post_title" size="45" id="input-title"/>
<input type="hidden" name="new_post" value="1"/>\';
echo \'<input class="subput round" type="submit" name="submit" value="Post"/>