add_action( \'add_meta_boxes\', \'bullet1545_add_custom_box\' );
add_action( \'save_post\', \'bullet1545_save_custom_meta_box\' );
function bullet1545_add_custom_box( $post ) {
\'Bullet Meta Box\', // ID, should be a string
\'Side List\', // Meta Box Title
\'bullet1545_custom_meta_box_content\', // Your call back function, this is where your form field will go
\'post\', // The post type you want this to show up on, can be post, page, or custom post type
\'normal\', // The placement of your meta box, can be normal or side
\'high\' // The priority in which this will be displayed
function bullet1545_save_custom_meta_box(){
global $post;
// Get our form field
if( $_POST ) :
$bullet1545_custom_meta = esc_attr( $_POST[\'bullet1545-custom-meta-box\'] );
// Update post meta
update_post_meta($post->ID, \'_bullet1545_custom_meta\', $bullet1545_custom_meta);
function bullet1545_custom_meta_box_content( $post ) {
// Get post meta value using the key from our save function in the second paramater.
$bullet1545_custom_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, \'_bullet1545_custom_meta\', true);
echo \'<label>Custom Meta Box:</label>
echo \'<textarea name="bullet1545-custom-meta-box">\'.$bullet1545_custom_meta.\'</textarea>\';
$myBullets = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "_bullet1545_custom_meta", true); // retrieve the content of your metabox
echo \'<ul>\';
$textareaData = \'<li>\'.str_replace(array("\\r","\\n\\n","\\n"),array(\'\',"\\n","</li>\\n<li>"),trim($myBullets,"\\n\\r")).\'</li>\'; // this line converts all the lines that are inside your textarea in li lines, removing empty lines
echo \'</ul>\';