class Featured_Image_Migration{
#Instantiate the migration by hitting /wp-admin/?migrate-post-meta=foobar
protected $key = \'migrate-post-meta\';
protected $secret = \'foobar\';
#This is your legacy meta_key
protected $meta_key = \'mainimg_medium\';
function __construct(){
#Force this to run last so all includes are available
add_action( \'admin_init\', array($this, \'migrate_post_meta\'), 999999 );
public function migrate_post_meta(){
#Verify authorization and authentication
if ( ! $this->verify_request() )
global $wpdb;
#Retrieve all featured image postmeta rows from prior theme
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = %s", $this->meta_ );
$results = $wpdb->get_results( $query );
if ( $results ){
foreach( $results as $result ){
#Check if meta_value is a path
if( preg_match( \'/\\//\', $result->meta_value ) ){
$this->get_attachment_by_url( $result->meta_value, $result->post_id );
#Check if meta_value is an ID
if( is_int( (int)$result->meta_value ) )
#Add a native WordPress featured image postmeta row
if( update_post_meta( $result->post_id, \'_thumbnail_id\', $result->meta_value ) )
#Send a message to the screen
show_message( "Post #$result->post_id - Featured image was set properly." );
#Kill the admin process to see the message log
private function verify_request(){
#Only admins and those with the key/secret can run this in wp-admin
if( current_user_can( \'manage_options\' ) && isset( $_GET[$key] ) && $_GET[$key] === $secret )
return true;
return false;
private function get_attachment_by_url( $url, $post_id ){
global $wpdb;
#This is about as close as we can come to finding the attachment
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID from $wpdb->posts WHERE guid = %s LIMIT 1", $url );
$id = $wpdb->get_var( $query );
#We found a match in the database!
return $id;
#If the URL is external, download the image into the post attachments
add_action( \'add_attachment\', array( $this, \'add_attachment\') );
$attachment = media_sideload_image( $url, $post_id );
remove_action( \'add_attachment\', array( $this, \'add_attachment\') );
public function add_attachment($id){
#Get attachment post object
$attachment = get_post( $id );
#Add our newly sideloaded attachment as the featured image
if( update_post_meta( $attachment->post_parent, \'_thumbnail_id\', $attachment->ID ) )
show_message( "Post #$attachment->post_parent - Featured image was sideloaded and set properly." );
new Featured_Image_Migration;