function my_activation(){
// Set the cron job for the monthly cron
if( ! wp_next_scheduled ( \'maybe_monthly_cron\' ) ) {
// This will trigger an action that will fire the "monthly_cron" action on the last day of each month at 4:00 am UTC
wp_schedule_event( strtotime(\'04:00:00\'), \'daily\', \'maybe_monthly_cron\');
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, \'my_activation\' );
// Check if we need to fire the monthly cron action "monthly_cron"
function maybe_run_monthly_cron(){
$now = strtotime();
$this_day = date( \'j\', $now );
$days_this_month = date( \'t\', $now );
if( $this_day == $days_this_month ){
do_action( \'monthly_cron\' );
add_action( \'maybe_monthly_cron\', \'maybe_run_monthly_cron\' );
// Check if we need to fire the monthly cron action "monthly_cron"
function maybe_run_monthly_cron(){
$now = strtotime();
$this_day = date( \'j\', $now );
if( in_array( $this_day, array( 1, 15 ) ) ){
do_action( \'monthly_cron\' );
add_action( \'maybe_monthly_cron\', \'maybe_run_monthly_cron\' );
然后,您可以使用“monthly\\u cron”操作执行如下操作:
function my_monthly_cron(){
// Execute monthly or bimonthly code here...
add_action( \'monthly_cron\', \'my_monthly_cron\' );