
时间:2013-09-11 作者:Brian Wayne

使用这篇写得很好的后期教程Edit dashboard\'s help tab 我完全控制所有标准WordPress管理屏幕。


3 个回复
SO网友:prempal sharma


function custom_help() {
    global $post_ID;
    $screen = get_current_screen();

    if( isset($_GET[\'post_type\']) ) $post_type = $_GET[\'post_type\'];
    else $post_type = get_post_type( $post_ID );

    if( $post_type == \'listing\' ) :

    $screen->add_help_tab( array(
        \'id\' => \'you_custom_id\', // unique id for the tab
        \'title\' => \'Custom Help\', // unique visible title for the tab
        \'content\' => \'<h3>Help Title</h3><p>Help content</p>\', //actual help text

    $screen->add_help_tab( array(
        \'id\' => \'you_custom_id_2\', // unique id for the second tab
        \'title\' => \'Custom Help 2\', // unique visible title for the second tab
        \'content\' => \'<h3>Help Title 2</h3><p>Help content</p>\', //actual help text



add_action(\'admin_head\', \'custom_help\');

SO网友:Brian Wayne

此处介绍的添加帮助选项卡的方法Edit dashboard\'s help tab 只要编辑CustomPostType功能(列表管理屏幕)出现在CustomPostType功能(编辑/添加新管理屏幕)之前,也适用于自定义帖子类型。对于自定义post类型分类法,请使用edit taxonomyName。干杯



  • Complete Guide: Custom Post Types.


    function my_contextual_help( $contextual_help, $screen_id, $screen ) { 
        if ( \'product\' == $screen->id ) {
            $contextual_help = \'<h2>Products</h2>
            <p>Products show the details of the items that we sell on the website. You can see a list of them on this page in reverse chronological order - the latest one we added is first.</p> 
            <p>You can view/edit the details of each product by clicking on its name, or you can perform bulk actions using the dropdown menu and selecting multiple items.</p>\';
        } elseif ( \'edit-product\' == $screen->id ) {
            $contextual_help = \'<h2>Editing products</h2>
            <p>This page allows you to view/modify product details. Please make sure to fill out the available boxes with the appropriate details (product image, price, brand) and <strong>not</strong> add these details to the product description.</p>\';
        return $contextual_help;
    add_action( \'contextual_help\', \'my_contextual_help\', 10, 3 );
    上述代码将根据screen->id, 当您只想在特定的管理页面或CPT中显示帮助选项卡时,这一点很重要,只需针对CPT中的slug。

