Metabox Not saving data

时间:2013-09-27 作者:Dannyw24





add_action( \'add_meta_boxes\', \'dd_hctb_create\' );

function dd_hctb_create() {

add_meta_box ( \'dd_meta\', \'Heading Content Text Box\', \'dd_hctb_function\', \'page\', \'normal\', \'high\' );


function dd_hctb_function( $post ) {

echo \'<input type="hidden" name="dd_mbe_content_nonce" value="\'.wp_create_nonce(basename(__FILE__)).\'" />\';

//retrieve the metadata values if they exist

$dd_mbe_content = get_post_meta( $post->ID, \'dd_mbe_content\', true );

echo \'Write any content in here that you want to appear above the main text.\';

echo \'<textarea name="middle" id="dd_mbe_content" value="" cols="100%" rows="10">\'.$dd_mbe_content.\'</textarea>\';


function dd_hctb_save($post_id) {

    //attempt to verify nonce
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST[\'dd_mbe_content_nonce\'], basename(__FILE__)))
        return $post_id;
    // check the autosave
    if (defined(\'DOING_AUTOSAVE\') && DOING_AUTOSAVE)  
        return $post_id; 
       // check permissions  
    if (\'page\' == $_POST[\'post_type\']) {  
        if (!current_user_can(\'edit_page\', $post_id))  
            return $post_id;  
        } elseif (!current_user_can(\'edit_post\', $post_id)) {  
            return $post_id; 
    //finally verify the postmeta is set

            if (isset ( $_POST[\'dd_mbe_content\'] ) ) {
                //now save if if the data exists
                update_post_meta( $post_id, \'dd_mbe_content\', strip_tags( $_POST[\'dd_mbe_content\']));

    }  // end save function

 add_action(\'save_post\', \'dd_hctb_save\' );

谢谢大家的帮助-我相信这是一个拼写错误或覆盖设置的东西。我对使用wp\\u nonce也是新手,所以任何帮助或建议都会被采纳。

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:tfrommen 整理而成


function dd_hctb_create() {
    add_meta_box (\'dd_meta\', \'Heading Content Text Box\', \'dd_hctb_cb\', \'page\', \'normal\', \'high\');
} // function dd_hctb_create
add_action(\'add_meta_boxes\', \'dd_hctb_create\');

function dd_hctb_cb($post) {
    wp_nonce_field(basename(__FILE__), \'dd_mbe_content_nonce\');

    //retrieve the metadata values if they exist
    $value = get_post_meta($post->ID, \'dd_mbe_content\', true);
        Write any content in here that you want to appear above the main text.
    <textarea id="dd_mbe_content" name="dd_mbe_content" cols="100%" rows="10"><?php echo wp_kses_post($value); ?></textarea>
} // function dd_hctb_cb

function dd_hctb_save($id, $post) {
    // check the autosave
    if (defined(\'DOING_AUTOSAVE\') && DOING_AUTOSAVE)  
        return $id; 

    if (
        \'page\' == $post->post_type
        && current_user_can(\'edit_page\', $id)
        && wp_verify_nonce($_POST[\'dd_mbe_content_nonce\'], basename(__FILE__))
        && isset($_POST[\'dd_mbe_content\'])
    ) update_post_meta($id, \'dd_mbe_content\', strip_tags($_POST[\'dd_mbe_content\']));
} // function dd_hctb_save
add_action(\'save_post\', \'dd_hctb_save\', 1, 2);
问题是您的文本区域id="dd_mbe_content" and name="middle", 优先考虑。




我正在从一个叫做Dynamix的Wordpress主题工作。现场位于here...如果你向下滚动到带有评论的帖子,你会看到一个带有黑色背景的评论气泡。如果你把鼠标悬停在它上面,你会注意到它变成了红色。In Chrome\'s debugger, I found this line of code... (很长,但从这个开始)#content ul li.socialinit, #content and it ends with this background tag...background-color: