function get_user_fields($user, $output = true, $main_title = \'Anmäld till kurs/kurser\', $course_update = false) {
if ($output === true) {
if (strlen($title)>0) {
echo \'<h3>\' . $main_title . \'</h3>\';
//Get locations (course-categories taxonomy) that starts with kurser_ in it\'s permalink (slug)
$locations = get_categories_with_slug(\'kurser_\');
//Get list of all categorycourses
$categorycourses = get_terms(\'categorycourses\');
$save_meta = array(); //When no output, use function for storing metadata-array to save
foreach($locations as $location) {
if ($output === true) {
echo \'<h3 class="location">\'.$location->name.\'</h3>\';
foreach($categorycourses as $categorycourse) {
//When a coursecategory has location as it\'s parent, then show courses for category
if ($categorycourse->parent == $location->cat_ID) {
$args = array(\'post_type\' => \'course\',
\'tax_query\' => array(
\'taxonomy\' => \'categorycourses\',
\'field\' => \'slug\',
\'terms\' => $categorycourse->slug,
$loop = new WP_Query($args);
if($loop->have_posts()) {
$course_field_name = \'course_\' . get_the_ID();
//Check when updating course
if ($course_update === true) {
echo \'course update is true\';
//Course is selected by user in db, is it set as reserve?
if (get_user_meta($user->ID, $course_field_name) == 1) {
echo \'course field name is set\';
//User is selected as reserve for this course in db
if (get_user_meta($user->ID, $course_field_name.\'_reserve\') == 1) {
echo \'course field reserve is 1\';
//Can user be selected as non-reserve?
//(course is not full any longer)
$nr_available = intval(get_field(\'nr_available\'));
echo \'nr available = \' . $nr_available;
if ($nr_available > 0) {
//User is no longer reserve for this course, save info to db
update_usermeta($user->ID, $course_field_name, 0); //FOR TESTING
update_usermeta($user->ID, $course_field_name.\'_reserve\', 0);
if ($output === true) {
echo \'<h4 class="rubrik">\'.$categorycourse->name.\'</h4>\';
echo \'<table class="form-table courses" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><thead>\';
echo \'<tr><th>Kursnamn</th><th>Startvecka</th><th>Veckodag</th><th>Starttid</th><th>Pris</th><th>Antal platser</th>\';
echo \'</tr>\';
echo \'</thead>\';
echo \'<tbody>\';
while($loop->have_posts()) : $loop->the_post();
$nr_available = intval(get_field(\'nr_available\'));
$status_available_full = 0;
if ($nr_available == 0) {
$nr_message = \'fullt\';
$status_available_full = 1;
else if ($nr_available<=4) {
$nr_message = \'fåtal platser\';
else {
$nr_message = \'platser finns\';
if ($output === true) {
$checked = get_user_meta($user->ID, \'course_\' . get_the_ID(), true);
if ($checked == 1) {
$checked = \' checked="checked"\';
else {
$checked = \' \';
echo \'<tr>\';
echo \'<td class="title course-name">\';
echo \'<input type="checkbox"\' . $checked . \'name="course_\' . get_the_ID() . \'"> \' . get_the_title();
//If course is full then be able to book pupil as reserve
if ($status_available_full === 1) {
echo \'<span class="reserve">(reserv)</span>\';
echo \'</td>\';
echo \'<td class="title start-week">\' . get_field(\'start_week\') . \'</td>\';
echo \'<td class="title week-day">\' . get_field(\'week_day\') . \'</td>\';
echo \'<td class="title start-time">\' . get_field(\'start_time\') . \'</td>\';
echo \'<td class="title price">\' . get_field(\'course_cost\') . \'</td>\';
echo \'<td class="title available">\' . $nr_message . \'</td>\';
echo \'</tr>\';
else {
//Add info to array when using not output
$save_meta[] = array(
\'course\' => $course_field_name,
\'is_reserve\' => $status_available_full
if ($output === true) {
echo \'</tbody>\';
echo \'</table>\';
} //End foreach categorycourses
} //End foreach locations
//Return array when no output is done
if ($output !== true) {
return $save_meta;
/* helper-function to save extra fields */
function save_user_fields($user_id) {
if ( !current_user_can( \'edit_user\', $user_id ) )
return false;
//Save values of checkbox-fields into db
$save_meta = get_user_fields($current_user, false); //False tells that no output should be done
//Go through all courses and save them
foreach($save_meta as $current_meta) {
$course = $current_meta[\'course\'];
$is_reserve = $current_meta[\'is_reserve\'];
$update = 0;
if (isset($_POST[$course])) {
$chkbox = $_POST[$course];
if ($chkbox == \'on\') {
$update = 1;
//Save values from form into db
update_usermeta($user_id, $course, $update); //Save course into db with format course_{id of course)
update_usermeta($user_id, $course . \'_reserve\', $is_reserve); //Save if user is reserve (1) or not (0) for this course
//Hooks for user (Update/add)
add_action(\'personal_options_update\', \'save_user_fields\');
add_action(\'edit_user_profile_update\', \'save_user_fields\');
add_action(\'user_register\', \'save_user_fields\'); //When adding new users
我使用函数save\\u user\\u fields将用户的元数据保存到数据库中。我不确定我能不能用
此函数中的变量?(调用get\\u user\\u字段时)
//Save course into db with format course_{id of course) (1=checked, 0 = unchecked)
update_usermeta($user_id, $course, $update);
//Save if user is reserve (1) or not (0) for this course
update_usermeta($user_id, $course . \'_reserve\', $is_reserve);
I wonder why the code does not get past the statement (in get_user_fields-function, beginning of "the loop")
if (get_user_meta($user->ID, $course_field_name) == 1) {
最合适的回答,由SO网友:bestprogrammerintheworld 整理而成
第一个问题是向函数发送了错误的用户对象(实际上只是一个空字符串)Solved it by writing this:
function save_user_fields($user_id) {
if ( !current_user_can( \'edit_user\', $user_id ) )
return false;
//Save values of checkbox-fields into db
$current_user = new WP_User($user_id);
$save_meta = get_user_fields($current_user, false); //False tells that no output should be done
//Go through all courses and save them
foreach($save_meta as $current_meta) {
$course = $current_meta[\'course\'];
$is_reserve = $current_meta[\'is_reserve\'];
$update = 0;
if (isset($_POST[$course])) {
$chkbox = $_POST[$course];
if ($chkbox == \'on\') {
$update = 1;
//Save values from form into db
update_usermeta($user_id, $course, $update); //Save course into db with format course_{id of course)
update_usermeta($user_id, $course . \'_reserve\', $is_reserve); //Save if user is reserve (1) or not (0) for this course
Next issue:在Karine的帮助下(
THANKS!) 答案我在get\\u user\\u meta()中使用true,因为我想要meta\\u user\\u表中字段的实际值,而不是数组。
if ($course_update === true) {
//Course is selected by user in db, is it set as reserve?
if (intval(get_user_meta($user->ID, $course_field_name, true)) == 1) {
//User is selected as reserve for this course in db
if (get_user_meta($user->ID, $course_field_name.\'_reserve\', true) == 1) {
//Can user be selected as non-reserve?
//(course is not full any longer)
$nr_available = intval(get_field(\'nr_available\'));
if ($nr_available > 0) {
//User is no longer reserve for this course, save info to db
update_usermeta($user->ID, $course_field_name.\'_reserve\', 0);
And now the issue that made me completly mad, 即使我早就应该看到这个。。。上面的代码片段用于设置/获取有关课程的信息(并保存元数据数组),但实际上
NOT 在回路内部。是在
if($loop->have_posts()) {
$course_field_name = \'course_\' . get_the_ID();
while($loop->have_posts()) : $loop->the_post();
$course_field_name = \'course_\' . get_the_ID();
//Check when updating course
if ($course_update === true && $course_id == get_the_ID()) {
//Course is selected by user in db, is it set as reserve?
if (intval(get_user_meta($user->ID, $course_field_name, true)) == 1) {
//User is selected as reserve for this course in db
if (get_user_meta($user->ID, $course_field_name.\'_reserve\', true) == 1) {
//Can user be selected as non-reserve?
//(course is not full any longer)
$nr_available = intval(get_field(\'nr_available\'));
if ($nr_available > 0) {
//User is no longer reserve for this course, save info to db
update_usermeta($user->ID, $course_field_name.\'_reserve\', 0);