
时间:2013-10-28 作者:DM.


对于我博客上的每一张照片,我upload 同一张照片有三种尺寸:

中使用的大/全尺寸水印图像FancyBox, 所有元数据保持完整的文件名_large.jpg(1200x800)缩略图,无水印,使用ImageOptim<文件名。jpg(180x120)视网膜缩略图,无水印,使用ImageOptim<文件名_x2.jpg(360x240)

  • 以后可能会有更多尺寸
  • 目前,其中每一项都在wp_postswp_postmeta 桌子我已经连接到媒体上传程序,添加了一个“标题缩略图”按钮,该按钮从大照片中获取标题,并将其添加到两个缩略图中,并附加了“缩略图”。

    What I would like is to have only one entry in the database for all of these images – it\'s the same photo after all, just in different sizes.

    实际上,我已经挂接到add\\u attachment操作,将IPTC标题移动到适当的字段,如下所示:

    // fix our uploads by moving the caption to the proper field
    add_action(\'add_attachment\', function ($post_ID) {
        // this is triggered after an attachment is uploaded and before the attachment form gets displayed
        $post = get_post($post_ID);
        $post->post_excerpt = $post->post_content;
        $post->post_content = NULL;

    My question is, how do I hook into WordPress so that when I upload a photo, (say foo.jpg, or foo_x2.jpg) it checks if foo_large.jpg already exists and if so, just adds a new size to that photo\'s \'_wp_attachment_metadata\' key in the wp_postmeta table instead of creating a new entry in the library/database?

    值得一提的是,我可以从数据库中的wp\\u posts表中看到,\\u很大。jpg文件总是先上传,然后是缩略图。(请记住,这张大照片包含所有元数据(标题、标题、进出口银行信息、IPTC等)。我也不想让这张照片具有追溯力,只是一个将应用于未来所有上传的解决方案。


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// hooking in to the add_attachment action just like you did
add_action(\'add_attachment\', function ( $post_ID ) {
    // we need to work with the database
    global $wpdb;

    // get the attachment
    $post = get_post( $post_ID );

    // remove the _x2 suffix to help find the original
    $attachment_name = str_replace( \'_x2\', \'\', $post->post_title );

    // did this file have an _x2 suffix?
    $is_x2 = ( $attachment_name == $post->post_title ) ? FALSE : TRUE;

    // get the attachments extension
    $extension = pathinfo( $post->guid, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );

    // if there is a large file, it would be called:
    $large_file = $attachment_name . \'_large.\' . $extension;

    // time to see if we have a large file saved
    // wordpress stores the relative path from the uploads directory
    // we use a like query to find the file in any year/month subdir
    $result = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare(
        "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta
            WHERE meta_value LIKE %s",
        \'%\' . $wpdb->esc_like($large_file)

    // did we find a file?
    if( !empty( $result ) ) {
        // yep we found a file, get its meta
        $attachment_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $result->post_id );

        // get meta data on the new file
        $meta = get_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_wp_attached_file\', TRUE );

        // manually read the size of the new image
        $upl = wp_upload_dir();
        $new_file = $upl[\'basedir\'] . \'/\' . $meta;
        $sizes = getimagesize( $new_file );

        // what should the thumbnail be called?
        // remember we checked if the file had the _x2 suffix before?
        $thumb_name = ( $is_x2 ) ? \'x2\' : \'thumb\';

        // time to add the new size to the meta data of the large file
        $attachment_meta[\'sizes\'][$thumb_name] = array(
            \'file\' => basename($post->guid),
            \'width\' => $sizes[0],
            \'height\' => $sizes[1],
            \'mime-type\' => $sizes[\'mime\']

        // save the new meta data to the large file
        wp_update_attachment_metadata( $result->post_id, $attachment_meta );

        // now we delete all references to the new file that was uploaded
        // by manually deleting it from the database the file will be kept on disk
        // this step is optional, Wordpress will behave a bit funny when uploading if used
            "DELETE FROM $wpdb->posts
                WHERE $wpdb->posts.ID = %d", 

            "DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta 
                WHERE $wpdb->postmeta.post_id = %d", 


global $post;

// the filename_large.jpg file
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID);

// the filename.jpg file
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, \'thumb\');

// the filename_x2.jpg file
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, \'x2\');
您可以使用保存新附件元数据的$thumb\\u name变量更改缩略图的调用。





我在我的页脚(循环外)中展示了一篇来自自定义帖子类型的帖子,并使用高级自定义字段插件来实现这一点。这是我正在使用的代码:<h5>Featured Movie</h5> <?php query_posts(array( \'posts_per_page\' => 1, \'post_type\' => \'movies\', \'orderby\' => \'post_date\', \'meta_key\' =>