//email to members
$Memberdata_all ="select * from lwy_users where ID = $GuestID[$h]";
$Memberdata_array = $wpdb->get_results($Memberdata_all, OBJECT);
$to = $Memberdata_array[0]->user_email;
// Email subject and body text
$subject = \'abc\';
$headers = "From: "[email protected]"\\r\\n";
$message = "Hi $fromname, <br/> <br/>
This is to inform you f.<br/> <br/>
The following are the member details:<br/> <br/>
MemberID: $user_id <br/>
MemberName: $fromname $fromnamelastname <br/>
Club Name: $clubname<br/>
Club Location $ClubCity<br/>
Club Website: $ClubWebsite<br/><br/><br/>
Here are the hosting details:<br/><br/>
$noticetext <br/></br/>
Please visit the link to accept the request <a href=\'#\'></a> <br/></br/><br/>
If you have any questions, please contact the member directly at $from <br/><br/>
add_filter(\'wp_mail_content_type\',create_function(\'\', \'return "text/html"; \'));
$hostemail=wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers );
[email protected]; on behalf of; WordPress <[email protected]>
[email protected];代表:;WordPress。我只需要
[email protected]