我正在使用创建WordPresshttps://github.com/nadeem-khan/WordPress-Plugin-Template 作为入门模板。
这是我的设置类文件,名为“class xyz”。php’:
if (!defined(\'ABSPATH\'))
class Xyz_Settings {
* The single instance of Xyz_Settings.
* @var object
* @access private
* @since 1.0.0
private static $_instance = null;
* The main plugin object.
* @var object
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
public $parent = null;
* Prefix for plugin settings.
* @var string
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
public $base = \'\';
* Available settings for plugin.
* @var array
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
public $settings = array();
public function __construct($parent) {
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->base = \'xyzsms_\';
// Initialise settings
add_action(\'admin_init\', array($this, \'init_settings\'));
// Register plugin settings
add_action(\'admin_init\', array($this, \'register_settings\'));
// Add settings page to menu
add_action(\'admin_menu\', array($this, \'add_menu_item\'));
// Add settings link to plugins page
add_filter(\'plugin_action_links_\' . plugin_basename($this->parent->file), array($this, \'add_settings_link\'));
* Initialise settings
* @return void
public function init_settings() {
$this->settings = $this->settings_fields();
* Add settings page to admin menu
* @return void
public function add_menu_item() {
$page = add_options_page(__(\'XYZ Settings\', \'xyz-template\'), __(\'XYZ Settings\', \'xyz-template\'), \'manage_options\', \'xyz_template_settings\', array($this, \'settings_page\'));
add_action(\'admin_print_styles-\' . $page, array($this, \'settings_assets\'));
* Load settings JS & CSS
* @return void
public function settings_assets() {
// We\'re including the farbtastic script & styles here because they\'re needed for the colour picker
// If you\'re not including a colour picker field then you can leave these calls out as well as the farbtastic dependency for the wpt-admin-js script below
// We\'re including the WP media scripts here because they\'re needed for the image upload field
// If you\'re not including an image upload then you can leave this function call out
wp_register_script($this->parent->_token . \'-settings-js\', $this->parent->assets_url . \'js/settings\' . $this->parent->script_suffix . \'.js\', array(\'farbtastic\', \'jquery\'), \'1.0.0\');
wp_enqueue_script($this->parent->_token . \'-settings-js\');
* Add settings link to plugin list table
* @param array $links Existing links
* @return array Modified links
public function add_settings_link($links) {
$settings_link = \'<a href="options-general.php?page=xyz_template_settings">\' . __(\'Settings\', \'xyz-template\') . \'</a>\';
array_push($links, $settings_link);
return $links;
* Build settings fields
* @return array Fields to be displayed on settings page
private function settings_fields() {
$settings[\'social-bar-position\'] = array(
\'title\' => __(\'Bar Position\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'fields\' => array(
\'id\' => \'xyz_position\',
\'label\' => __(\'Position\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Select the position\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'type\' => \'radio\',
\'options\' => array(\'left\' => \'Left\', \'right\' => \'Right\'),
\'default\' => \'left\'
\'id\' => \'xyz_margin_top\',
\'label\' => __(\'Bar Margin Top\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Define the margin top\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'placeholder\' => __(\'Enter margin.\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'default\' => \'200px\'
$settings[\'social-networks-bar\'] = array(
\'title\' => __(\'Social Networks\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'fields\' => array(
\'id\' => \'xyz_networks\',
\'label\' => __(\'Social\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Select social.\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'type\' => \'checkbox_multi\',
\'options\' => array(
\'facebook\' => \'Facebook\'
$settings[\'links-bar\'] = array(
\'title\' => __(\'Links\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Enter the Urls for all the selected social networks:\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'fields\' => array(
\'id\' => \'facebook_url\',
\'label\' => __(\'Facebook URL\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Enter the URL for Facebook.\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'placeholder\' => __(\'Enter Facebook URL\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'default\' => \'\'
$settings[\'custom-classes-bar\'] = array(
\'title\' => __(\'Custom Classes\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Add custom classes in the main parent container of the bar (will affect shortcodes as well):\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'fields\' => array(
\'id\' => \'xyz_custom_class\',
\'label\' => __(\'Add Custom Classes in the Bar Parent Container\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Add your own custom CSS class (like customclass1 customclass2). Leave empty if default styling is desired.\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'type\' => \'textarea\',
\'default\' => \'\',
\'placeholder\' => __(\'Add custom classes like .custom_class1 .custom_class2 .custom_class3 to the main container of the social bar.\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\')
$settings[\'social-bar-custom-colors\'] = array(
\'title\' => __(\'Bar Icons Colors\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Select the colors\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'fields\' => array(
\'id\' => \'bar_facebook_icon_custom_color\',
\'label\' => __(\'Facebook Icon Color\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Default color: #FEFEFE \', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'type\' => \'color\',
\'default\' => \'#FEFEFE\'
$settings[\'add-custom-css-bar\'] = array(
\'title\' => __(\'Add CSS\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'label\' => __(\'Add CSS\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Paste your CSS\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'fields\' => array(
\'id\' => \'xyz_add_custom_css\',
\'label\' => __(\'Custom CSS\', \'wordpress\'),
\'description\' => __(\'Do not style\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\'),
\'type\' => \'textarea\',
\'default\' => \'\',
\'placeholder\' => __(\'Do not style .\', \'xyz-plugin-bar\')
$settings = apply_filters(\'xyz_fields\', $settings);
return $settings;
* Register plugin settings
* @return void
public function register_settings() {
if (is_array($this->settings)) {
foreach ($this->settings as $section => $data) {
// Add section to page
add_settings_section($section, $data[\'title\'], array($this, \'settings_section\'), \'xyz_template_settings\');
foreach ($data[\'fields\'] as $field) {
// Validation callback for field
$validation = \'\';
if (isset($field[\'callback\'])) {
$validation = $field[\'callback\'];
// Register field
$option_name = $this->base . $field[\'id\'];
register_setting(\'xyz_template_settings\', $option_name, $validation);
// Add field to page
add_settings_field($field[\'id\'], $field[\'label\'], array($this, \'display_field\'), \'xyz_template_settings\', $section, array(\'field\' => $field));
public function settings_section($section) {
$html = \'<p> \' . $this->settings[$section[\'id\']][\'description\'] . \'</p>\' . "\\n";
echo $html;
* Generate HTML for displaying fields
* @param array $args Field data
* @return void
public function display_field($args) {
$field = $args[\'field\'];
$html = \'\';
$option_name = $this->base . $field[\'id\'];
$option = get_option($option_name);
$data = \'\';
if (isset($field[\'default\'])) {
$data = $field[\'default\'];
if ($option) {
$data = $option;
switch ($field[\'type\']) {
case \'text\':
case \'password\':
case \'number\':
$html .= \'<input id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\']) . \'" type="\' . $field[\'type\'] . \'" name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'" placeholder="\' . esc_attr($field[\'placeholder\']) . \'" value="\' . $data . \'"/>\' . "\\n";
case \'text_secret\':
$html .= \'<input id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\']) . \'" type="text" name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'" placeholder="\' . esc_attr($field[\'placeholder\']) . \'" value=""/>\' . "\\n";
case \'textarea\':
$html .= \'<textarea id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\']) . \'" rows="5" cols="50" name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'" placeholder="\' . esc_attr($field[\'placeholder\']) . \'">\' . $data . \'</textarea><br/>\' . "\\n";
case \'checkbox\':
$checked = \'\';
if ($option && \'on\' == $option) {
$checked = \'checked="checked"\';
$html .= \'<input id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\']) . \'" type="\' . $field[\'type\'] . \'" name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'" \' . $checked . \'/>\' . "\\n";
case \'checkbox_multi\':
foreach ($field[\'options\'] as $k => $v) {
$checked = false;
if (in_array($k, $data)) {
$checked = true;
$html .= \'<label for="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\'] . \'_\' . $k) . \'"><input type="checkbox" \' . checked($checked, true, false) . \' name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'[]" value="\' . esc_attr($k) . \'" id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\'] . \'_\' . $k) . \'" /> \' . $v . \'</label> \';
case \'radio\':
foreach ($field[\'options\'] as $k => $v) {
$checked = false;
if ($k == $data) {
$checked = true;
$html .= \'<label for="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\'] . \'_\' . $k) . \'"><input type="radio" \' . checked($checked, true, false) . \' name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'" value="\' . esc_attr($k) . \'" id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\'] . \'_\' . $k) . \'" /> \' . $v . \'</label> \';
case \'select\':
$html .= \'<select name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'" id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\']) . \'">\';
foreach ($field[\'options\'] as $k => $v) {
$selected = false;
if ($k == $data) {
$selected = true;
$html .= \'<option \' . selected($selected, true, false) . \' value="\' . esc_attr($k) . \'">\' . $v . \'</option>\';
$html .= \'</select> \';
case \'select_multi\':
$html .= \'<select name="\' . esc_attr($option_name) . \'[]" id="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\']) . \'" multiple="multiple">\';
foreach ($field[\'options\'] as $k => $v) {
$selected = false;
if (in_array($k, $data)) {
$selected = true;
$html .= \'<option \' . selected($selected, true, false) . \' value="\' . esc_attr($k) . \'" />\' . $v . \'</label> \';
$html .= \'</select> \';
case \'image\':
$image_thumb = \'\';
if ($data) {
$image_thumb = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($data);
$html .= \'<img id="\' . $option_name . \'_preview" class="image_preview" src="\' . $image_thumb . \'" /><br/>\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<input id="\' . $option_name . \'_button" type="button" data-uploader_title="\' . __(\'Upload an image\', \'xyz-template\') . \'" data-uploader_button_text="\' . __(\'Use image\', \'xyz-template\') . \'" class="image_upload_button button" value="\' . __(\'Upload new image\', \'xyz-template\') . \'" />\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<input id="\' . $option_name . \'_delete" type="button" class="image_delete_button button" value="\' . __(\'Remove image\', \'xyz-template\') . \'" />\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<input id="\' . $option_name . \'" class="image_data_field" type="hidden" name="\' . $option_name . \'" value="\' . $data . \'"/><br/>\' . "\\n";
case \'color\':
?><div class="color-picker" style="position:relative;">
<input type="text" name="<?php esc_attr_e($option_name); ?>" class="color" value="<?php esc_attr_e($data); ?>" />
<div style="position:absolute;background:#FFF;z-index:99;border-radius:100%;" class="colorpicker"></div>
switch ($field[\'type\']) {
case \'checkbox_multi\':
case \'radio\':
case \'select_multi\':
$html .= \'<br/><span class="description">\' . $field[\'description\'] . \'</span>\';
$html .= \'<label for="\' . esc_attr($field[\'id\']) . \'"><span class="description">\' . $field[\'description\'] . \'</span></label>\' . "\\n";
echo $html;
* Validate individual settings field
* @param string $data Inputted value
* @return string Validated value
public function validate_field($data) {
if ($data && strlen($data) > 0 && $data != \'\') {
$data = urlencode(strtolower(str_replace(\' \', \'-\', $data)));
return $data;
* Load settings page content
* @return void
public function settings_page() {
// Build page HTML
$html = \'<div class="wrap" id="xyz_settings">\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<h2>\' . __(\'XYZ Settings\', \'xyz-template\') . \'</h2>\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<form method="post" action="options.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">\' . "\\n";
// Setup navigation
$html .= \'<ul id="settings-sections" class="subsubsub hide-if-no-js">\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<li><a class="tab all current" href="#all">\' . __(\'All\', \'xyz-template\') . \'</a></li>\' . "\\n";
foreach ($this->settings as $section => $data) {
$html .= \'<li>| <a class="tab" href="#\' . $section . \'">\' . $data[\'title\'] . \'</a></li>\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'</ul>\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<div class="clear"></div>\' . "\\n";
// Get settings fields
$html .= ob_get_clean();
$html .= \'<p class="submit">\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="\' . esc_attr(__(\'Save Settings\', \'xyz-template\')) . \'" />\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'</p>\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'</form>\' . "\\n";
$html .= \'</div>\' . "\\n";
echo $html;
* Main Xyz_Settings Instance
* Ensures only one instance of Xyz_Settings is loaded or can be loaded.
* @since 1.0.0
* @static
* @see Xyz()
* @return Main Xyz_Settings instance
public static function instance($parent) {
if (is_null(self::$_instance)) {
self::$_instance = new self($parent);
return self::$_instance;
// End instance()
* Cloning is forbidden.
* @since 1.0.0
public function __clone() {
_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __(\'Cheatin’ huh?\'), $this->parent->_version);
// End __clone()
* Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden.
* @since 1.0.0
public function __wakeup() {
_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __(\'Cheatin’ huh?\'), $this->parent->_version);
// End __wakeup()