
时间:2015-02-23 作者:nielsv


<h2 class="subHeader contentSubHeader">Are you already a member? Don´t miss your next career opportunity!</h2>
<p class="subHeader contentSubHeader">[one_half padding="0px 40px 0 20px"][multipage_form][/one_half]</p>

<div class="text contentText">
<p style="text-align: left;">[one_half_last padding="0px 20px 0 20px"]</p>
✔ We\'ll keep you informed about new opportunities in the digital sector that fit your profile.

✔ We have new opportunities every week in UX, e-commerce, mobile, SEO/SEA, social media, online marketing, big data, ...

✔ PPC, UX, SEO, RTB, ... . We know what you\'re talking about.
<p style="text-align: left;">[/one_half_last]</p>
<h2 class="subHeader contentSubHeader">Get on board and join the Crew!</h2>
等等。如您所见,我输出了表单multipage_form. 我已经创建了一个自定义插件Multistep Form 在这里我创建了一个表单。我的multistep_form.php in插件multistep_form 如下所示:

// Add shortcode to include form in page

// Register site styles and scripts is_page( \'about-me\' )
 * @todo: check which page, only check on /subscribe

// Create form
function multipage_form()
    global $wpdb;
    $this_page      =   $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'];
    $page           =   $_POST[\'page\'];
    if ( $page == NULL ) {

         * first name
         * last name
         * email address
         * current job title
         * // autofill with linkedin //

        // output form
        \'<form method="post" action="\' . $this_page .\'">

            <label for="FNAME" id="FNAME">First Name:</label>
            <input type="text" name="FNAME" id="FNAME" required="required" />

            <label for="LNAME" id="LNAME">Last Name:</label>
            <input type="text" name="LNAME" id="LNAME" required="required" />

            <label for="EMAIL" id="EMAIL">Email address: </label>
            <input type="text" name="EMAIL" id="EMAIL" required="required" />

            <label for="CURRENTJOBTITLE" id="CURRENTJOBTITLE">Current Job Title:</label>
            <input type="text" name="CURRENTJOBTITLE" id="CURRENTJOBTITLE" />

            <!-- Hidden value for page -->
            <input type="hidden" value="1" name="page" />

            <input type="submit" value="Next" />

    }   // END PAGE 1 FORM

    elseif ( $page == 1 ) {

        // store POST variables
        $first_name         = $_POST[\'FNAME\'];
        $last_name          = $_POST[\'LNAME\'];
        $email              = $_POST[\'EMAIL\'];
        $current_jobtitle   = $_POST[\'CURRENTJOBTITLE\'];

        // get taxonomy terms
        $years_experiences = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_category\');
        $job_types = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_type\');
        $job_regions = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_region\');
        $job_tags = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_tag\');

         * are you (freelancer, ...)
         * you live in (brussel, ...)
         * years of experience
         * expertise in digital (choose max 2: data science, e-commerce, ...)

        // output form
        echo \'
        <form action="\' . $this_page .\'" method="post">

            <label for="JOBTYPE" id="JOBTYPE">Are you...</label>
            <select name="JOBTYPE" id="JOBTYPE">
            foreach($job_types as $job_type)
                echo \'<option value="\' . $job_type->term_id . \'">\' . $job_type->name . \'</option>\';

            echo \'</select>

            <label for="JOBREGION" id="JOBREGION">You live in...</label>
            <select name="JOBREGION" id="JOBREGION">
            foreach($job_regions as $job_region)
                echo \'<option value="\' . $job_region->term_id . \'">\' . $job_region->name . \'</option>\';

            echo \'</select>

            <label for="YEARSEXPERIENCE" id="YEARSEXPERIENCE">Years of experience in digital:</label>
            <select name="YEARSEXPERIENCE" id="YEARSEXPERIENCE">
            foreach($years_experiences as $years_experience)
                echo \'<option value="\' . $years_experience->term_id . \'">\' . $years_experience->name . \'</option>\';

            echo \'</select>

            <p>Expertise(s) in digital (choose maximum 2):</p>\';

            foreach($job_tags as $job_tag)
                echo \'<input class="single-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="tags" value="\' . $job_tag->term_id . \'">\' . $job_tag->name . \'<br>\';

            // Hidden value for page
            echo \'<input type="hidden" name="page" value="2" />
            <input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="\' . /*$form_id*/ "hello" . \'" />

            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

    }   // END PAGE 2 FORM

 * @param $taxonomy_category
 * @return array
function get_taxonomy_terms($taxonomy_category)
    $args = array(
        \'orderby\'    => \'count\',
        \'hide_empty\' => 0,

    $terms = get_terms($taxonomy_category, $args);

    return $terms;

function multistep_form_init() {
    wp_enqueue_script( \'multistep-form-js\', plugins_url( \'/js/custom.js\', __FILE__ ));
现在,当我查看显示表单的页面时,表单总是显示在顶部而不是<p class="subHeader contentSubHeader"></p> 应该在哪里。呈现表单后,我的HTML如下所示:

<div class="entry-content">
    <form method="post" action="/subscribe/"><label for="FNAME" id="FNAME">First Name:</label> <input type="text" name="FNAME" id="FNAME" required="required" style="cursor: auto; background-image: url(); background-attachment: scroll; background-position: 100% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat;"><label for="LNAME" id="LNAME">Last Name:</label> <input type="text" name="LNAME" id="LNAME" required="required"><label for="EMAIL" id="EMAIL">Email address: </label> <input type="text" name="EMAIL" id="EMAIL" required="required"><label for="CURRENTJOBTITLE" id="CURRENTJOBTITLE">Current Job Title:</label> <input type="text" name="CURRENTJOBTITLE" id="CURRENTJOBTITLE"> <input type="hidden" value="1" name="page"><input type="submit" value="Next"></form>

    <h2 class="subHeader contentSubHeader">Are you already a member? Don´t miss your next career opportunity!</h2>

    <p class="subHeader contentSubHeader"></p>

    <div class="content-column one_half">
        <div style="padding-top:0px;padding-right:40px;padding-left:20px;"></div>

Click here for link to the page.

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:David Gard 整理而成


有关更多信息,请参阅Shortcode API Codex, 具体而言Output 部分

function multipage_form()
    global $wpdb;
    $this_page      =   $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'];
    $page           =   $_POST[\'page\'];
    if ( $page == NULL ) {

         * first name
         * last name
         * email address
         * current job title
         * // autofill with linkedin //

        // output form
        $my_form = \'<form method="post" action="\' . $this_page .\'">

            <label for="FNAME" id="FNAME">First Name:</label>
            <input type="text" name="FNAME" id="FNAME" required="required" />

            <label for="LNAME" id="LNAME">Last Name:</label>
            <input type="text" name="LNAME" id="LNAME" required="required" />

            <label for="EMAIL" id="EMAIL">Email address: </label>
            <input type="text" name="EMAIL" id="EMAIL" required="required" />

            <label for="CURRENTJOBTITLE" id="CURRENTJOBTITLE">Current Job Title:</label>
            <input type="text" name="CURRENTJOBTITLE" id="CURRENTJOBTITLE" />

            <!-- Hidden value for page -->
            <input type="hidden" value="1" name="page" />

            <input type="submit" value="Next" />

    }   // END PAGE 1 FORM

    elseif ( $page == 1 ) {

        // store POST variables
        $first_name         = $_POST[\'FNAME\'];
        $last_name          = $_POST[\'LNAME\'];
        $email              = $_POST[\'EMAIL\'];
        $current_jobtitle   = $_POST[\'CURRENTJOBTITLE\'];

        // get taxonomy terms
        $years_experiences = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_category\');
        $job_types = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_type\');
        $job_regions = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_region\');
        $job_tags = get_taxonomy_terms(\'job_listing_tag\');

         * are you (freelancer, ...)
         * you live in (brussel, ...)
         * years of experience
         * expertise in digital (choose max 2: data science, e-commerce, ...)

        // output form
        $my_form.= \'<form action="\' . $this_page .\'" method="post">

            <label for="JOBTYPE" id="JOBTYPE">Are you...</label>
            <select name="JOBTYPE" id="JOBTYPE">
            foreach($job_types as $job_type)
                $my_form.= \'<option value="\' . $job_type->term_id . \'">\' . $job_type->name . \'</option>\';

            $my_form.= \'</select>

            <label for="JOBREGION" id="JOBREGION">You live in...</label>
            <select name="JOBREGION" id="JOBREGION">
            foreach($job_regions as $job_region)
                $my_form.= \'<option value="\' . $job_region->term_id . \'">\' . $job_region->name . \'</option>\';

            $my_form.= \'</select>

            <label for="YEARSEXPERIENCE" id="YEARSEXPERIENCE">Years of experience in digital:</label>
            <select name="YEARSEXPERIENCE" id="YEARSEXPERIENCE">
            foreach($years_experiences as $years_experience)
                $my_form.= \'<option value="\' . $years_experience->term_id . \'">\' . $years_experience->name . \'</option>\';

            $my_form.= \'</select>

            <p>Expertise(s) in digital (choose maximum 2):</p>\';

            foreach($job_tags as $job_tag)
                $my_form.= \'<input class="single-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="tags" value="\' . $job_tag->term_id . \'">\' . $job_tag->name . \'<br>\';

            // Hidden value for page
            $my_form.= \'<input type="hidden" name="page" value="2" />
            <input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="\' . /*$form_id*/ "hello" . \'" />

            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

    }   // END PAGE 2 FORM

    return $my_form;




Execute php in pages

我需要在wordpress中执行我的个人php代码来打印mysql数据库中的数据。我只能在页面上执行。我的想法是创建一个文件页pagename。php,复制页面主体。php模板并更改此代码:<?php while ( have_posts() ): the_post(); ?> <article <?php post_class(\'group\'); ?>> <?php get_temp