
时间:2015-07-28 作者:Luke Watts

Sorry for the name. Not sure how to succinctly title this one.

I have a plugin available on the WordPress.org repo. It\'s the Encrypt Email plugin.

The laptop I was using to develop/maintain it died. Now I want to resume development of on my work pc. But I\'m not sure how.

So how can I clone/pull the repo to my machine so I can resume pushing and committing future changes from where I left off? (As if I was still on my dead Laptop\'s repo)

I have TortoiseSVN and can SVN from the commandline so either explanation is fine (I prefer shell to be honest).

I have a lot of Git experience so explaining with comparisons to Git commands and workflows would be really helpful for me also.

Huge thank you for any help on this one!

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Aibrean 整理而成




