标头中的每个钩子函数都是可以插入自己代码的地方。根据这个Cryout Creations help page, cryout\\u branding\\u hook()函数如下所示,假设他们构建了与Tempera主题类似的Mantra主题。
function cryout_branding_hook() {
Do action是一个标准的WordPress函数。要向其中添加操作,您需要在函数中放置以下代码。php。
function my_branding() {
<div id="blurb"> LCN provides ABE (adult basic education), ESOL (English for Speakers of other languages), and GED instruction at little or no cost to adult learners in our community. If you need instruction or would like to be a volunteer tutor, please call 610-292-8515.</div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
add_action(\'cryout_branding_hook\',\'my_branding\', 11);
tutorial by WooThemes on hooks.
理想情况下,您应该构建Child Theme 并将代码放在那里,而不是基本主题的函数文件。否则,当主题得到更新时,您将面临失去定制的风险。但是,这要高级一点。