
时间:2015-10-27 作者:Bryan Willis

我想为源代码的Opren创建一个特定于主题的插件Bootstrap Genesis 主题,我可以使用add_theme_support 函数可以添加或删除插件子文件夹中的几个迷你插件或主题模块/功能。我发现this question here, 但根据公认的答案,我们无法找到答案。

So the plugin structure would look like this:

├── addons/
│   ├── addon1.php
│   ├── addon2.php
│   └── addon3.php
└── themeplugin.php

The main plugin file, lets call it themeplugin.php would be this:

Plugin Name:       My Theme Name Addons
Plugin URI:        https://example.com
Description:       A collection of mini plugins/addons to apply specific changes.
Version:           1.0
Author:            Author Name
Author URI:        https://example.com/author
License:           MIT License
License URI:       http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

function load_themename_addons() {
  foreach (glob(__DIR__ . \'/addons/*.php\') as $file) {
    if (current_theme_supports(\'themename-\' . basename($file, \'.php\'))) {
      require_once $file;
add_action(\'after_setup_theme\', \'load_themename_addons\');
然后在我的functions.php 我可以通过添加主题支持、使用每个插件文件名来启用这些插件功能/插件:

/* functions.php */

function load_themename_addons() {
  foreach (glob(__DIR__ . \'/addons/*.php\') as $file) {
      require_once $file;
add_action(\'after_setup_theme\', \'load_themename_addons\');

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Bryan Willis 整理而成

玩过之后就明白了Rarsts 答复here.

Here is what I ended up with:

    Plugin Name:       Bootstrap Genesis Addons
    Plugin URI:        https://github.com/bryanwillis/bootstrap-genesis-addons
    Description:       A collection of mini plugins/addons to apply specific changes to my site.
    Version:           1.0
    Author:            Bryan Willis
    Author URI:        https://github.com/bryanwillis/
    License:           MIT License
    License URI:       http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

function bootstrap_genesis_addons() {
  global $_wp_theme_features;
  foreach (glob(__DIR__ . \'/addons/*.php\') as $file) {
    $feature = \'bsg-\' . basename($file, \'.php\');
    if (isset($_wp_theme_features[$feature])) {
      require_once $file;
add_action(\'after_setup_theme\', \'bootstrap_genesis_addons\', 100);

The theme plugin should follow this file structure:

├── addons/
│   ├── foo.php
│   ├── bar.php
│   └── baz.php
└── bsg-addons.php

Last add theme support the same way you would anything else:


It seems to work great and is a lot cleaner in my opinion than adding a bunch of unnecessary data to the database to perform the activations / deactivations of modules or theme specific features like custom post types. It also works for adding entire plugins directly into your theme.
