
时间:2015-12-03 作者:Iurie

我想在我的Wordpress网站中添加前端发布功能。为了更好地控制并更好地理解其工作原理(我不是专业程序员),我选择使用wpkb.com 现场(见以下代码)。这个解决方案可行,但问题是how it is protected against security issues/malicious attacks?


注意:未定义变量:hasError in/从前面提交。php在线106


//Check if any error was detected in validation.
if($hasError == true) {

class WPSubmitFromFront {

    protected $pluginPath;  
    protected $pluginUrl;  

    public function __construct() {  

        // Set Plugin Path  
        $this->pluginPath = dirname(__FILE__);  
        // Set Plugin URL  
        $this->pluginUrl = WP_PLUGIN_URL . \'/submitfromfront\';

         //Add CSS for the form.
        add_action(\'wp_enqueue_scripts\', array($this, \'addStyles\'));

        //Add the short code
        add_shortcode(\'post_from_front\', array($this, \'handleFrontEndForm\'));  

 function handleFrontEndForm() {
        //Check if the user has permission to publish the post.
        if ( !current_user_can(\'publish_posts\') ) {
            echo "<h2>Please Login to post links.</h2>";

        if($this->isFormSubmitted() && $this->isNonceSet()) {
            if($this->isFormValid()) {
            } else {
        } else {


    //This function displays the HTML form.
    public function displayForm() {
        <div id ="frontpostform">
            <form action="" id="formpost" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

                    <label for="postTitle">Post Title</label>

                    <input type="text" name="postTitle" id="postTitle" />

                    <label for="postContent">Content</label>

                    <textarea name="postContent" id="postContent" rows="10" cols="35" ></textarea>

                    <button type="submit" name="submitForm" >Create Post</button>

                <?php wp_nonce_field( \'front_end_new_post\' , \'nonce_field_for_front_end_new_post\'); ?>


    function addStyles() {
        // Register the style for the form
        wp_register_style( \'submitform-style\', plugins_url( \'submitfromfront/submitfromfront.css\'));
        wp_enqueue_style( \'submitform-style\' );

    function isFormSubmitted() {
        if( isset( $_POST[\'submitForm\'] ) ) return true;
        else return false;

    function isNonceSet() {
        if( isset( $_POST[\'nonce_field_for_front_end_new_post\'] )  &&
          wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[\'nonce_field_for_front_end_new_post\'], \'front_end_new_post\' ) ) return true;
        else return false;

    function isFormValid() {
        //Check all mandatory fields are present.
        if ( trim( $_POST[\'postTitle\'] ) === \'\' ) {
            $error = \'Please enter a title.\';
            $hasError = true;
        } else if ( trim( $_POST[\'postContent\'] ) === \'\' ) {
            $error = \'Please enter the content.\';
            $hasError = true;

        //Check if any error was detected in validation.
        if($hasError == true) {
            echo $error;
            return false;
        return true;

   function createPost() {

        //Get the ID of currently logged in user to set as post author
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $currentuserid = $current_user->ID;

        //Get the details from the form which was posted
        $postTitle = $_POST[\'postTitle\'];
        $contentOfPost = $_POST[\'postContent\'] ;
        $postSatus = \'publish\'; // \'pending\' - in case you want to manually aprove all posts;

        //Create the post in WordPress
        $post_id = wp_insert_post( array(
                        \'post_title\'        => $postTitle,
                        \'post_content\'      => $contentOfPost,
                        \'post_status\'       => $postSatus , 
                        \'post_author\'       => $currentuserid



$wpSubmitFromFEObj = new WPSubmitFromFront();

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:TheDeadMedic 整理而成



class WPSE_Submit_From_Front {
    const NONCE_VALUE = \'front_end_new_post\';
    const NONCE_FIELD = \'fenp_nonce\';

    protected $pluginPath;
    protected $pluginUrl;
    protected $errors = array();
    protected $data = array();

    function __construct() {
        $this->pluginPath = plugin_dir_path( __file__ );
        $this->pluginUrl  = plugins_url( \'\', __file__ );

        add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', array( $this, \'addStyles\' ) );
        add_shortcode( \'post_from_front\', array( $this, \'shortcode\' ) );

        // Listen for the form submit & process before headers output
        add_action( \'template_redirect\',  array( $this, \'handleForm\' ) );

    function addStyles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( \'submitform-style\', "$this->pluginUrl/submitfromfront.css" );

     * Shortcodes should return data, NOT echo it.
     * @return string
    function shortcode() {
        if ( ! current_user_can( \'publish_posts\' ) )
            return sprintf( \'<p>Please <a href="%s">login</a> to post links.</p>\', esc_url( wp_login_url(  get_permalink() ) ) );
        elseif ( $this->isFormSuccess() )
            return \'<p class="success">Nice one, post created.</p>\';
            return $this->getForm();

     * Process the form and redirect if sucessful.
    function handleForm() {
        if ( ! $this->isFormSubmitted() )
            return false;

        // http://php.net/manual/en/function.filter-input-array.php
        $data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, array(
            \'postTitle\'   => FILTER_DEFAULT,
            \'location2\'   => FILTER_DEFAULT,
            \'postContent\' => FILTER_DEFAULT,

        $data = wp_unslash( $data );
        $data = array_map( \'trim\', $data );

        // You might also want to more aggressively sanitize these fields
        // By default WordPress will handle it pretty well, based on the current user\'s "unfiltered_html" capability

        $data[\'postTitle\']   = sanitize_text_field( $data[\'postTitle\'] );
        $data[\'location2\']   = sanitize_text_field( $data[\'location2\'] );
        $data[\'postContent\'] = wp_check_invalid_utf8( $data[\'postContent\'] );

        $this->data = $data;

        if ( ! $this->isNonceValid() )
            $this->errors[] = \'Security check failed, please try again.\';

        if ( ! $data[\'postTitle\'] )
            $this->errors[] = \'Please enter a title.\';

        if ( ! $data[\'postContent\'] )
            $this->errors[] = \'Please enter the content.\';

        if ( ! $this->errors ) {
            $post_id = wp_insert_post( array(
                \'post_title\'   => $data[\'postTitle\'],
                \'post_content\' => $data[\'postContent\'],
                \'post_status\'  => \'publish\',

            if ( $post_id ) {
                add_post_meta( $post_id, \'location2\', $data[\'location2\'] );

                // Redirect to avoid duplicate form submissions
                wp_redirect( add_query_arg( \'success\', \'true\' ) );

            } else {
                $this->errors[] = \'Whoops, please try again.\';

     * Use output buffering to *return* the form HTML, not echo it.
     * @return string
    function getForm() {

<div id ="frontpostform">
    <?php foreach ( $this->errors as $error ) : ?>

        <p class="error"><?php echo $error ?></p>

    <?php endforeach ?>

    <form id="formpost" method="post">
            <label for="postTitle">Post Title</label>
            <input type="text" name="postTitle" id="postTitle" value="<?php

                // "Sticky" field, will keep value from last POST if there were errors
                if ( isset( $this->data[\'postTitle\'] ) )
                    echo esc_attr( $this->data[\'postTitle\'] );

            ?>" />

            <label for="postContent">Content</label>
            <textarea name="postContent" id="postContent" rows="10" cols="35" ><?php

                if ( isset( $this->data[\'postContent\'] ) )
                    echo esc_textarea( $this->data[\'postContent\'] );


            <button type="submit" name="submitForm" >Create Post</button>

        <?php wp_nonce_field( self::NONCE_VALUE , self::NONCE_FIELD ) ?>

        return ob_get_clean();

     * Has the form been submitted?
     * @return bool
    function isFormSubmitted() {
        return isset( $_POST[\'submitForm\'] );

     * Has the form been successfully processed?
     * @return bool
    function isFormSuccess() {
        return filter_input( INPUT_GET, \'success\' ) === \'true\';

     * Is the nonce field valid?
     * @return bool
    function isNonceValid() {
        return isset( $_POST[ self::NONCE_FIELD ] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ self::NONCE_FIELD ], self::NONCE_VALUE );

new WPSE_Submit_From_Front;



我想知道我是否可以取消特定帖子类型的posts\\u per\\u页面限制。在存档中。php页面我显示不同的帖子类型,对于特定的“出版物”帖子类型,我想显示所有帖子。我如何在不影响传统“post”类型的情况下实现这一点?