Alright, there\'s a few things that isn\'t standardized WordPress so I\'ve put together a minimal script which I\'ll explain piece by piece. Hopefully clear things up for you by the time you get to the end.
Below is a very simple HTML form. We\'re going to use javascript to listen for submission and stop it from actually refreshing the page but that will be later.
<form id="um_form" method="POST">
<label for="um_key">
User Meta Value:
<input type="text" name="um_key" id="um_key" value="" style="width:100%;" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
We\'re $_POST
ing the form but you could also $_GET
the form if you\'d like. In this situation I don\'t think it matters.
Enqueue our scripts
So WordPress has a hook which you can use to enqueue styles and scripts in their proper places ( header or footer ) called wp_enqueue_scripts
. Using this we can localize our script and pass a variable ( or two if you\'d like ) to our javascript, specifically the ajax_url
. Doing that looks something like this:
* Enqueue our Scripts and Styles Properly
function theme_enqueue() {
$theme_url = get_template_directory_uri(); // Used to keep our Template Directory URL
$ajax_url = admin_url( \'admin-ajax.php\' ); // Localized AJAX URL
// Register Our Script for Localization
\'um-modifications\', // Our Custom Handle
"{$theme_url}/scripts/um-modifications.js", // Script URL, this script is located for me in `theme-name/scripts/um-modifications.js`
array( \'jquery\' ), // Dependant Array
\'1.0\', // Script Version ( Arbitrary )
true // Enqueue in Footer
// Localize Our Script so we can use `ajax_url`
// Finally enqueue our script
wp_enqueue_script( \'um-modifications\' );
add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'theme_enqueue\' );
The above code is heavily commented so please read through the code comments if something doesn\'t make sense. This would go into your functions.php
Our Javascript / JQuery
Since I wanted to keep it simple, In this example we\'re only processing one meta_value but you could just as easily passed multiple meta_values
to the data object, referencing them in your PHP by $_POST
index which we\'ll see later. The below lies in a scripts directory, theme-name/scripts/um-modifications.js
and is also heavily commented:
// Declare our JQuery Alias
jQuery( \'document\' ).ready( function( $ ) {
// Form submission listener
$( \'#um_form\' ).submit( function() {
// Grab our post meta value
var um_val = $( \'#um_form #um_key\' ).val();
// Do very simple value validation
if( $( \'#um_form #um_key\' ).val().length ) {
$.ajax( {
url : ajax_url, // Use our localized variable that holds the AJAX URL
type: \'POST\', // Declare our ajax submission method ( GET or POST )
data: { // This is our data object
action : \'um_cb\', // AJAX POST Action
\'first_name\': um_val, // Replace `um_key` with your user_meta key name
} )
.success( function( results ) {
console.log( \'User Meta Updated!\' );
} )
.fail( function( data ) {
console.log( data.responseText );
console.log( \'Request failed: \' + data.statusText );
} );
} else {
// Show user error message.
return false; // Stop our form from submitting
} );
} );
AJAX PHP Callback / Handler / Action
Finally, The actual processing! Important things to note are the hooks at the end of this function:
Here we can get the current user and update their user_meta
or even the User Object if we wanted to.
* AJAX Callback
* Always Echos and Exits
function um_modifications_callback() {
// Ensure we have the data we need to continue
if( ! isset( $_POST ) || empty( $_POST ) || ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
// If we don\'t - return custom error message and exit
header( \'HTTP/1.1 400 Empty POST Values\' );
echo \'Could Not Verify POST Values.\';
$user_id = get_current_user_id(); // Get our current user ID
$um_val = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[\'first_name\'] ); // Sanitize our user meta value
$um_user_email = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[\'user_email\'] ); // Sanitize our user email field
update_user_meta( $user_id, \'first_name\', $um_val ); // Update our user meta
wp_update_user( array(
\'ID\' => $user_id,
\'user_email\' => $um_user_email,
) );
add_action( \'wp_ajax_nopriv_um_cb\', \'um_modifications_callback\' );
add_action( \'wp_ajax_um_cb\', \'um_modifications_callback\' );
Hopefully this makes it easier for you to understand and visualize. Should you have any questions, comment below!