“wp\\u get\\u http已deprecated. 改用WP\\U Http“
但是WP\\U Http将我发送到this function.
function fetch_remote_file( $url, $post ) {
// extract the file name and extension from the url
$file_name = basename( $url );
// get placeholder file in the upload dir with a unique, sanitized filename
$upload = wp_upload_bits( $file_name, 0, \'\', $post[\'upload_date\'] );
if ( $upload[\'error\'] )
return new WP_Error( \'upload_dir_error\', $upload[\'error\'] );
// fetch the remote url and write it to the placeholder file
$headers = wp_get_http( $url, $upload[\'file\'] );
// request failed
if ( ! $headers ) {
@unlink( $upload[\'file\'] );
return new WP_Error( \'import_file_error\', __(\'Remote server did not respond\', \'wordpress-importer\') );
// make sure the fetch was successful
if ( $headers[\'response\'] != \'200\' ) {
@unlink( $upload[\'file\'] );
return new WP_Error( \'import_file_error\', sprintf( __(\'Remote server returned error response %1$d %2$s\', \'wordpress-importer\'), esc_html($headers[\'response\']), get_status_header_desc($headers[\'response\']) ) );
$filesize = filesize( $upload[\'file\'] );
if ( isset( $headers[\'content-length\'] ) && $filesize != $headers[\'content-length\'] ) {
@unlink( $upload[\'file\'] );
return new WP_Error( \'import_file_error\', __(\'Remote file is incorrect size\', \'wordpress-importer\') );
if ( 0 == $filesize ) {
@unlink( $upload[\'file\'] );
return new WP_Error( \'import_file_error\', __(\'Zero size file downloaded\', \'wordpress-importer\') );
$max_size = (int) $this->max_attachment_size();
if ( ! empty( $max_size ) && $filesize > $max_size ) {
@unlink( $upload[\'file\'] );
return new WP_Error( \'import_file_error\', sprintf(__(\'Remote file is too large, limit is %s\', \'wordpress-importer\'), size_format($max_size) ) );
// keep track of the old and new urls so we can substitute them later
$this->url_remap[$url] = $upload[\'url\'];
$this->url_remap[$post[\'guid\']] = $upload[\'url\']; // r13735, really needed?
// keep track of the destination if the remote url is redirected somewhere else
if ( isset($headers[\'x-final-location\']) && $headers[\'x-final-location\'] != $url )
$this->url_remap[$headers[\'x-final-location\']] = $upload[\'url\'];
return $upload;