
时间:2016-06-29 作者:Adrian Rodriguez

After I swapped over my domains and updated every instance of the old domain in the database and everything else in this guide:


My main domain works, but none of the subdomains do any more. Dashboard or otherwise. Any advice?

Main domain here: http://maaa.org (my sub domains: eusa.maaa.org, neh.maaa.org)


I figured out the issue. Since we weren\'t managing the domain we had it pointed via an A record only and therefore couldn\'t just have subdomains on the fly. So I requested the person managing the domains to create these subdomains for me on their end.

1 个回复
SO网友:Nikhil Chavan

是否已从wp-config.php 从旧站点到新站点?


define( \'MULTISITE\', true );
define( \'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL\', true );
$base = \'/\';
define( \'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE\', \'yourdomain.com\' );
define( \'PATH_CURRENT_SITE\', \'/\' );
define( \'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE\', 1 );
define( \'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE\', 1 );


媒体库链接在SSL更新后损坏的WordPress MultiSite

我们已将SSL更新(未添加)到站点网络管理媒体库上的媒体工作正常,但子站点的媒体库显示灰色框例如:图像url如下所示:(直接访问此url时,服务器404出错,而不是WordPress 404页面)https://domain.com/blog/multisitedomain/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/09/image-file.png 分解它我们有https://domain.com/blog ->