时间:2016-09-06 作者:theyuv

我在函数中有以下代码。my child主题的php文件:

function add_menu_atts( $atts, $item, $args ) {
    if ( $class_key = array_search( \'search-class\', $item->classes ) !== FALSE ) {
        $atts[\'data-something\'] = \'something\';
        $atts[\'class\'] = \'something-class\';
        //the following line is the one relevant to this question
    return $atts;
add_filter( \'nav_menu_link_attributes\', \'add_menu_atts\', 10, 3 );
使用类后search-class 要查找该项目,我想将其从该项目中删除。然而,我的电话unset($item->classes[$class_key]); 不起作用。

我不太明白什么东西$item 这可能就是问题所在。当我打电话时get_class() 在…上$item 我明白了WP_Post, 但是WP_Post 没有classes 所有物那么$item->classes 返回类数组?


我可以删除吗search-class$item 对象在我的方法中?

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:birgire 整理而成


我不太明白什么东西$item 这可能就是问题所在。当我打电话时get_class() 在…上$item 我明白了WP_Post, 但是WP_Post 没有classes属性。那么$item->classes 返回类数组?


每个导航菜单在nav_menu 分类学


每个菜单的树结构不是存储在post_parent 的字段nav_menu_item 职位,如预期。我们实际上在post meta表中找到了它,它存储在_menu_item_menu_item_parent 元键,针对每个nav_menu_item 邮递

$item 菜单项数据对象是修饰的WP_Post 对象,即使用wp_setup_nav_menu_item() 功能:

 * Decorates a menu item object with the shared navigation menu item properties.
 * Properties:
 * - ID:               The term_id if the menu item represents a taxonomy term. 
 * - attr_title:       The title attribute of the link element for this menu item.
 * - classes:          The array of class attribute values for the link element of this menu item.
 * - db_id:            The DB ID of this item as a nav_menu_item object, if it exists (0 if it doesn\'t exist).
 * - description:      The description of this menu item.
 * - menu_item_parent: The DB ID of the nav_menu_item that is this item\'s menu parent, if any. 0 otherwise.
 * - object:           The type of object originally represented, such as "category," "post", or "attachment."
 * - object_id:        The DB ID of the original object this menu item represents, e.g. ID for posts and term_id for categories.
 * - post_parent:      The DB ID of the original object\'s parent object, if any (0 otherwise).
 * - post_title:       A "no title" label if menu item represents a post that lacks a title.
 * - target:           The target attribute of the link element for this menu item.
 * - title:            The title of this menu item.
 * - type:             The family of objects originally represented, such as "post_type" or "taxonomy."
 * - type_label:       The singular label used to describe this type of menu item.
 * - url:              The URL to which this menu item points.
 * - xfn:              The XFN relationship expressed in the link of this menu item.
 * - _invalid:         Whether the menu item represents an object that no longer exists.

使用类后search-class 要查找该项目,我想将其从该项目中删除。然而,我的电话unset($item->classes[$class_key]); 不起作用。

从中删除类为时已晚$item 对象,在nav_menu_link_attributes 筛选,以便从菜单项(li标记)中删除类。

例如,我们可以使用nav_menu_css_class 筛选以修改这些类。


下面是一个如何删除search-class 类别:

add_filter( \'nav_menu_css_class\', function( $classes, $item, $args, $depth )
    return array_filter(
        (array) $classes, 
        function( $val ) { return \'search-class\' !== $val; } 

}, 10, 4 );

add_filter( \'nav_menu_link_attributes\', function( $atts, $item, $args )
    // Nothing to do
           ! isset( $item->classes ) 
        || ! in_array( \'klasi1\', $item->classes, true ) 
        || ! isset( $atts[\'class\'] ) 
        return $atts;

    // Add data attribute to anchor tag
    $atts[\'data-something\'] = \'something\';

    // Append an anchor class
    $classes = explode( \' \', $atts[\'class\'] );
    $classes[] = \'something-class\';
    $atts[\'class\'] = join( \' \', array_filter( $classes ) );

    return $atts;
}, 10, 3 );