我想不出为什么ajax函数返回0了。我正在尝试获取条带支付,然后我的函数将尝试通过checkfront api进行预订。
add_action( \'wp_ajax_action_varaa_AJAX\', \'varaa_AJAX\' );
add_action(\'wp_ajax_nopriv_varaa_AJAX\', \'varaa_AJAX\');
function varaa_AJAX(){
global $chargeID;
global $bookingStatus;
$amount = $_POST[\'amount\'];
$token = $_POST[\'stripeToken\'];
$name = $_POST[\'name\'];
$cardName = $_POST[\'cardName\'];
$email = $_POST[\'email\'];
$phone = $_POST[\'phone\'];
$accept_terms = $_POST[\'accept\'];
$insurance = $_POST[\'insurance\'];
$extradates = $_POST[\'extradates\'];
$id = $_POST[\'session_id\'];
$form = array(
\'customer_name\' => $name,
\'customer_email\' => $email,
\'customer_phone\' => $phone,
\'accept_terms\' => $accept_terms
function make_payment($token, $name, $cardName, $email, $phone, $amount, $insurance, $extradates) {
require_once(get_template_directory() . \'vendor/stripe/stripe-php/init.php\');
global $chargeID;
$stripe_settings = get_option(\'stripe_settings\');
// Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys
if(isset($stripe_settings[\'test_mode\']) && $stripe_settings[\'test_mode\']) {
$secret_key = $stripe_settings[\'test_secret_key\'];
} else {
$secret_key = $stripe_settings[\'live_secret_key\'];
// Create customer and assign charge with $token
$customer = \\Stripe\\Customer::create(array(
"source" => $token,
"email" => $email,
"description" => "Uusi anonyymi varaus.",
"metadata" => [
"nimi" => $name,
"kortissa oleva nimi" => $cardName,
"puhelin" => $phone,
"insurance" => $insurance,
"extradates" => $extradates
// Get customer id from create above
$stripeID = $customer->id;
// Charge customer
$charge = \\Stripe\\Charge::create(array(
"amount" => $amount, // Amount in cents
"currency" => "eur",
"capture" => false,
"customer" => $stripeID
// Get charge id from charge above
$chargeID = $charge->id;
// Create booking
function create_booking($id, $form){
require_once(get_template_directory() . \'lib/booking.php\');
require_once(get_template_directory() . \'lib/form.php\');
global $bookingStatus;
global $bookingId;
$Booking = new Booking();
$bookIt = $Booking->create(
\'session_id\' => $id,
\'form\' => $form
$bookingStatus = $bookIt[\'request\'][\'status\'];
$bookingId = $bookIt[\'booking\'][\'booking_id\'];
echo $bookIt;
// Run functions above
// Check WP nonce
if (
! isset( $_POST[\'nonce\'] )
|| ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[\'nonce\'], \'bookNow\' )
) {
print \'Sorry, your nonce did not verify.\';
} else {
// Create a customer and charge card
try {
// Create charge
make_payment($token, $name, $cardName, $email, $phone, $amount, $insurance, $extradates);
// Create booking
create_booking($id, $form);
// Check if booking went through
if ( $bookingStatus = \'OK\' ) {
// Capture charge
$ch = \\Stripe\\Charge::retrieve( $chargeID );
// Booking success
$value = array(\'msg\' => \'success\', \'bookingStatus\' => $bookingStatus, \'bookingID\' => $bookingId );
echo json_encode($value);
} else {
// Refund charge
$re = \\Stripe\\Refund::create(array(
"charge" => $chargeID
$value = array(\'msg\' => \'error\' );
echo json_encode($value);
} catch(\\Stripe\\Error\\Card $e) {
// The card has been declined
$value = array(\'error\' => true); // or $result = array(\'error\' => false);
echo json_encode($value);
下面是我的jQuery AJAX函数:
var token = response.id,
amount = vm.total * 100,
name = vm.form.name,
cardName = vm.form.cardName,
phone = vm.form.phone,
email = vm.form.email,
terms = vm.form.terms,
insurance = vm.form.insurance,
action = \'varaa_AJAX\',
id = vm.sessionId;
var nonce = $(\'#ilmtrail_nonce\').val();
var extradates = Object.keys( vm.daysBetweenStartStop ).length * 25 - 25;
url: AJAXurl,
data: { action: action, nonce: nonce, stripeToken: token, insurance: insurance, extradates: extradates, name: name, phone: phone, email: email, cardName: cardName, amount: amount, accept: terms, session_id: id },
type: \'post\',
success: function(value) {
if ( value.msg === \'success\' ) {
vm.form.sending = false;
vm.form.sent = true;
return true;
} else{
alert (\'Jokin meni mönkään. Tarkista tiedot ja kokeile uudestaan, ja jos virhe toistuu ole yhteydessä meihin niin saadaan varaus läpi!\');
vm.form.sending = false;
$form.find(\'.submit\').prop(\'disabled\', false);
return false;
error: function(data) {
vm.form.sending = false;
$form.find(\'.submit\').prop(\'disabled\', false);
alert (\'Jokin meni mönkään. Tarkista tiedot ja kokeile uudestaan, ja jos virhe toistuu ole yhteydessä meihin niin saadaan varaus läpi!\');
return false;