function my_script() { ?>
;(function () {
$ = jQuery.noConflict();
var form_data;
// $(parent).on(event, selector, function)
$(\'body\').on(\'submit\', \'form.wpcf7-form\', function( e ){
// Keep all data posted through the form. Custom data can be handled later.
form_data = $(this).serialize();
method : \'post\',
url : \'<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . \'/custom.php\'; ?>\', // Put here your own php file path.
dataType : \'json\',
data : {
form_data : form_data,
success : function( response ) {
// Here u can do whatever u want with the response. This is what u asked for in your question.
// In your case the response will have data for u to build the preview.
// Remove the log below when running in production.
console.log( response );
error: function( xhr, status, error ) {
// Use this in case you are having erros and u want to see what\'s going on in your php file which is being requested by your AJAX.
// var err = eval( "(" + xhr.responseText + ")" );
// console.log( err.Message );
add_action( \'wp_footer\', \'my_script\', 100 );
// We need to include wp-load.php in case we need to use WordPress functions and constants, and we will.
$absolute_path = explode( \'wp-content\', $_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_FILENAME\'] );
require_once $absolute_path[0] . \'wp-load.php\';
// Set response var.
$r = array();
// Optionally u can get rid of some unnecessary part of the serialzed string.
$_POST[\'form_data\'] = preg_replace( "/.+_wpnonce=.+&/U", \'\', $_POST[\'form_data\'] );
$fields = explode( \'&\', $_POST[\'form_data\'] );
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
$field_pieces = explode( \'=\', $field );
// $r[\'form_data\'][\'your-name\'] = \'Your name\'.
$r[\'data\'][$field_pieces[0]] = urldecode( $field_pieces[1] );
// If needed, set all your custom data here.
// You can use this custom data within the pdf and also u can put it in your preview.
$r[\'data\'][\'custom_field\'] = \'CUSTOM VALUE\';
// Require PDF library. Pay attention not to get the wrong path, otherwise this file will retrieve an error.
require_once \'fpdf/fpdf.php\';
/* Init PDF */
$pdf = new FPDF();
$today_date = "California, " . date("d F Y");
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, $today_date, 0, 1, \'R\');
// Make sure this path is right.
$pdf->Output(wp_upload_dir()[\'basedir\'] . \'/\' . $r[\'data\'][\'your-name\'] . \'.pdf\', \'F\');
function send_email() {
global $r;
// Here we are sending the pdf to the e-mail which was put by the user.
$to = $r[\'data\'][\'your-email\'];
// U can add more headers if u wish. Just google it.
$headers = \'From: Rod0n \' . "\\r\\n";
$subject = \'Your requested PDF has arrived\';
$msg = \'You can see your pdf attached. Thanks.\';
// Attach the pdf. e.g. array( WP_CONTENT_DIR . \'/uploads/\' . $r[\'data\'][\'your-name\'] . \'.pdf\' );
$attachment = array( \'put here the path for the pdf\' );
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $msg, $headers, $attachment );
// Encode our response in order to retrieve it subsequently.
$r = json_encode( $r );
// Retrieve response var.
echo $r;