
时间:2017-02-08 作者:CoderScissorhands


注:这是not 与…一样this earlier question I posted. 在这个问题中,我问了如何提取维度值。但是,没有人知道如何将该值永久设置为SVG,以便它显示在媒体库中

其中,我提取维度,我使用过滤器从SVG中提取图像维度。此过滤器允许我将SVG显示为特征图像,而不仅仅是徽标。我使用的过滤器从SVG文件内部识别SVG的大小,然后重置image[1]$image[2] 返回的数组中的值wp_get_attachment_image_src() 这就是功能:

File: wp-includes/media.php
804: /**
805:  * Retrieve an image to represent an attachment.
806:  *
807:  * A mime icon for files, thumbnail or intermediate size for images.
808:  *
809:  * The returned array contains four values: the URL of the attachment image src,
810:  * the width of the image file, the height of the image file, and a boolean
811:  * representing whether the returned array describes an intermediate (generated)
812:  * image size or the original, full-sized upload.
813:  *
814:  * @since 2.5.0
815:  *
816:  * @param int          $attachment_id Image attachment ID.
817:  * @param string|array $size          Optional. Image size. Accepts any valid image size, or an array of width
818:  *                                    and height values in pixels (in that order). Default \'thumbnail\'.
819:  * @param bool         $icon          Optional. Whether the image should be treated as an icon. Default false.
820:  * @return false|array Returns an array (url, width, height, is_intermediate), or false, if no image is available.
821:  */
822: function wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $size = \'thumbnail\', $icon = false ) {
823:    // get a thumbnail or intermediate image if there is one
824:    $image = image_downsize( $attachment_id, $size );
825:    if ( ! $image ) {
826:        $src = false;
828:        if ( $icon && $src = wp_mime_type_icon( $attachment_id ) ) {
829:            /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post.php */
830:            $icon_dir = apply_filters( \'icon_dir\', ABSPATH . WPINC . \'/images/media\' );
832:            $src_file = $icon_dir . \'/\' . wp_basename( $src );
833:            @list( $width, $height ) = getimagesize( $src_file );
834:        }
836:        if ( $src && $width && $height ) {
837:            $image = array( $src, $width, $height );
838:        }
839:    }
这是我应用于该函数的过滤器,它更改$image[1]$image[2] (即图像宽度和高度)。

 add_filter( \'wp_get_attachment_image_src\', \'fix_wp_get_attachment_image_svg\', 10, 4 );  /* the hook */

 function fix_wp_get_attachment_image_svg($image, $attachment_id, $size, $icon) {
    if (is_array($image) && preg_match(\'/\\.svg$/i\', $image[0]) && $image[1] <= 1) {
        if(is_array($size)) {
            $image[1] = $size[0];
            $image[2] = $size[1];
        } elseif(($xml = simplexml_load_file($image[0])) !== false) {
            $attr = $xml->attributes();
            $viewbox = explode(\' \', $attr->viewBox);
            $image[1] = isset($attr->width) && preg_match(\'/\\d+/\', $attr->width, $value) ? (int) $value[0] : (count($viewbox) == 4 ? (int) $viewbox[2] : null);
            $image[2] = isset($attr->height) && preg_match(\'/\\d+/\', $attr->height, $value) ? (int) $value[0] : (count($viewbox) == 4 ? (int) $viewbox[3] : null);
        } else {
            $image[1] = $image[2] = null;
    return $image;
过滤器工作,但媒体库不显示提取的数据过滤器工作$image[1]$image[2] 正在分配给放置的SVG元素的html宽度和高度。但是,正如下图所示,过滤器似乎没有更新图像的dimensions WP数据库中的字段。

library view of SVG vs PNG




1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Laxmana 整理而成

这个wp_update_attachment_metadata 每次通过媒体库上载图像时(特别是每次wp_update_attachment_metadata 正在调用函数)。

因此,上载svg文件时,我们会检查文件是否具有所需的元数据、宽度和高度。如果没有,我们将像您在wp_get_attachment_image_src 滤器现在元数据已经保存,我们可以调用如下函数wp_get_attachment_image_src 无需过滤这些函数即可获得metada。

注意以下问题:uploading svg files 在最新的Wordpress版本(4.7.2)中。应在4.7.3中固定


function svg_meta_data($data, $id){

    $attachment = get_post($id); // Filter makes sure that the post is an attachment
    $mime_type = $attachment->post_mime_type; // The attachment mime_type

    //If the attachment is an svg

    if($mime_type == \'image/svg+xml\'){

        //If the svg metadata are empty or the width is empty or the height is empty
        //then get the attributes from xml.

        if(empty($data) || empty($data[\'width\']) || empty($data[\'height\'])){

            $xml = simplexml_load_file(wp_get_attachment_url($id));
            $attr = $xml->attributes();
            $viewbox = explode(\' \', $attr->viewBox);
            $data[\'width\'] = isset($attr->width) && preg_match(\'/\\d+/\', $attr->width, $value) ? (int) $value[0] : (count($viewbox) == 4 ? (int) $viewbox[2] : null);
            $data[\'height\'] = isset($attr->height) && preg_match(\'/\\d+/\', $attr->height, $value) ? (int) $value[0] : (count($viewbox) == 4 ? (int) $viewbox[3] : null);


    return $data;


add_filter(\'wp_update_attachment_metadata\', \'svg_meta_data\', 10, 2);



太长,读不下去了有没有办法在我的WordPress后端为SVG启用CORS,这样我就可以通过http请求将它们发送到其他域?理想情况下无需触摸.htaccess?我的目标是建立一个无头WordPress/React网站。我想让我的SVG上传到WP后端,内联到我的前端代码中(这样我就可以访问它们的DOM)。我有SVG的URL,并且react-inlinesvg 库允许我内联它。我正在No \'Access-Control-Allow-Origin\' header is present on the req