
时间:2017-02-12 作者:CoderScissorhands


我需要根据更改父主题的功能this page, 我应该找到的是找到wp_nav_menu(), 作者建议最有可能出现在标题中。php,并将该函数调用替换为。

<?php $walker = new Menu_With_Description; ?>

<?php wp_nav_menu( array( \'theme_location\' => \'primary\', \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\', \'walker\' => $walker ) ); ?>
问题是我的主题,wp_nav_menu() 正在父主题的函数中调用。php文件,不在头文件中。php,尽管包含函数(tesseract_output_menu) 在标头内部调用。php。这意味着我很可能必须替换父主题的函数,但我不确定如何正确地进行替换。

tesseract_output_menu 是父主题函数中的函数。在标头内部调用的php文件。php,我将尝试将其更改为一个名为child_tesseract_output_menu.


function tesseract_output_menu( $cont, $contClass, $location, $depth ) {

    switch( $location ) :

        case \'primary\': $hblox = \'header\'; break;
        case \'primary_right\': $hblox = \'header_right\'; break;
        case \'secondary\': $hblox = \'footer\'; break;
        case \'secondary_right\': $hblox = \'footer_right\'; break;


    $locs = get_theme_mod(\'nav_menu_locations\');

    $menu = get_theme_mod(\'tesseract_\' . $hblox . \'_menu_select\');

    $isMenu = get_terms( \'nav_menu\' ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $locReserved = ( $locs[$location] ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $menuSelected = ( is_string($menu) ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    // IF the location set as parameter has an associated menu, it\'s returned as a key-value pair in the $locs array - where the key is the location and the value is the menu ID. We need this latter to get the menu slug required later -in some cases- in the wp_nav_menu params array.
    if ( $locReserved ) {
        $menu_id = $locs[$location]; // $value = $array[$key]
        $menuObject = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $menu_id );
        $menu_slug = $menuObject->slug;
    $custSet = ( $menuSelected && ( $menu !== \'none\' ) );

    if ( empty( $isMenu ) ) : //Case 1 - IF THERE\'S NO MENU CREATED -> easy scenario: no location setting, no customizer setting ( this latter only appears if there IS at least one menu created by the theme user ) => display basic menu

        wp_nav_menu( array(
            \'theme_location\' => \'primary\',
            \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
            \'container_class\' => \'\',
            \'container\' => FALSE,
            \'depth\' => $depth

    elseif ( !empty( $isMenu ) ) : //Case 2 - THERE\'S AT LEAST ONE MENU CREATED

        if ( !$custSet && $locReserved ) { //no setting in customizer OR dropdown is set to blank value, location SET in Menus section => display menu associated with this location in Appearance ->
            wp_nav_menu( array(
               // \'menu\' => $menuSlug,
                \'menu\' => $menu_slug, 
                \'theme_location\' => $location,
                \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
                \'container_class\' => $contClass,
                \'container\' => $cont,
                \'depth\' => $depth

        } else if ( !$custSet && !$locReserved ) { //no setting in customizer OR dropdown is set to blank value, location NOT SET in Menus section => display basic menu

            wp_nav_menu( array(
                \'theme_location\' => \'primary\',
                \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
                \'container_class\' => \'\',
                \'container\' => FALSE,
                \'depth\' => $depth

        } else if ( $custSet ) { //menu set in customizer AND dropdown is NOT set to blank value, location SET OR NOT SET in Menus section => display menu set in customizer ( setting a menu to the given location in customizer will update any existing location-menu association in Appearance -> Menus, see function tesseract_set_menu_location() in functions.php )

            wp_nav_menu( array(
                \'menu\' => $menu,
                \'theme_location\' => $location,
                \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
                \'container_class\' => $contClass,
                \'container\' => $cont,
                \'depth\' => $depth



堆栈提供了一个示例,据我所知,我可能希望使用操作或过滤器来完成此操作,如中所示this question:How to override parent functions in child themes?

这个例子对我来说并不清楚,问题是我要遵循的例子没有得到充分的解释,我还不太了解过滤器是如何工作的。在该堆栈示例中,它们似乎删除了一个名为twentyten_auto_excerpt_more, 有一个叫osu_twentyten_auto_excerpt_more, 但他们使用的第一个参数是excerpt_more:


// Override read more link
function osu_twentyten_continue_reading_link() {
 return \' <a href="\'. get_permalink() . \'">\' . __( \'Read on <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>\', \'twentyten-child\' ) . \'</a>\';
function osu_twentyten_auto_excerpt_more( $more ) {
 return \' &hellip;\' . osu_twentyten_continue_reading_link();
remove_filter( \'excerpt_more\', \'twentyten_auto_excerpt_more\' );
add_filter( \'excerpt_more\', \'osu_twentyten_auto_excerpt_more\' );
因为我想改变tesseract_output_menu, 基于这个例子,我很确定我会调用我的子函数来替换父函数tesseract_output_menu 类似于child_tesseract_output_menu,我认为这很清楚。但我不明白的是,在我的例子中,第一个参数的等效/类比是什么,它与exerpt_more 在上述示例中。他们不说什么excerpt_more 是我需要知道remove_filter andadd\\u filter`需要在我的案例中。


堆栈示例使用的函数:add filter, remove filtertwentyten_auto_excerpt_moreosu_twentyten_auto_excerpt_moreexerpt more

我的案例,v1:更换tesseract_output_menu:add filter, remove filtertesseract_output_menuchild_tesseract_output_menu第一个参数“添加筛选器”和“删除筛选器”:???我需要在第一个参数中输入什么函数我意识到我可能想以这种方式调整事情

我的案例,v2:更换wp_nav_menu:add filter, remove filterwp_nav_menuchild_wp_nav_menutesseract_output_menu如果我使用案例的v1,那么最好的方法是什么excerpt_more 就我而言?

2 个回复
SO网友:David Lee

转到您的functions.php 在子主题中添加以下内容:

function childtheme_override_tesseract_output_menu( $cont, $contClass, $location, $depth ) {
//tesseract_output_menu function code modified as you wish here    
在父主题中functions.php, 包装tesseract_output_menu 功能如下:

if (function_exists(\'childtheme_override_tesseract_output_menu\')) {

     * run the child override
    function tesseract_output_menu() {

} else {
    * run the original parent function
   function tesseract_output_menu( $cont, $contClass, $location, $depth ) {
     //original code untouched   
这样你可以覆盖父主题函数,这是标准的方法,我不知道为什么父主题函数还没有像那样包装,你可以在wordpress附带的主题中看到相同的代码,因此可以替换该函数if ( ! function_exists( \'twentysixteen_setup\' ) ).



子标题内。php文件查找对wp_nav_menu 包含调用的函数tesseract_output_menu.tesseract_output_menu 一个新函数的child_tesseract_output_menu.

function child_tesseract_output_menu( $cont, $contClass, $location, $depth ) {

    switch( $location ) :

        case \'primary\': $hblox = \'header\'; break;
        case \'primary_right\': $hblox = \'header_right\'; break;
        case \'secondary\': $hblox = \'footer\'; break;
        case \'secondary_right\': $hblox = \'footer_right\'; break;


    $locs = get_theme_mod(\'nav_menu_locations\');

    $menu = get_theme_mod(\'tesseract_\' . $hblox . \'_menu_select\');

    $isMenu = get_terms( \'nav_menu\' ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $locReserved = ( $locs[$location] ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $menuSelected = ( is_string($menu) ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    // IF the location set as parameter has an associated menu, it\'s returned as a key-value pair in the $locs array - where the key is the location and the value is the menu ID. We need this latter to get the menu slug required later -in some cases- in the wp_nav_menu params array.
    if ( $locReserved ) {
        $menu_id = $locs[$location]; // $value = $array[$key]
        $menuObject = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $menu_id );
        $menu_slug = $menuObject->slug;
    $custSet = ( $menuSelected && ( $menu !== \'none\' ) );

    if ( empty( $isMenu ) ) : //Case 1 - IF THERE\'S NO MENU CREATED -> easy scenario: no location setting, no customizer setting ( this latter only appears if there IS at least one menu created by the theme user ) => display basic menu

       $walker = new Menu_With_Description; 

        wp_nav_menu( array(
            \'theme_location\' => \'primary\',
            \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
            \'container_class\' => \'\',
            \'container\' => FALSE,
            \'depth\' => $depth,
            \'walker\' => $walker

    elseif ( !empty( $isMenu ) ) : //Case 2 - THERE\'S AT LEAST ONE MENU CREATED

        if ( !$custSet && $locReserved ) { //no setting in customizer OR dropdown is set to blank value, location SET in Menus section => display menu associated with this location in Appearance ->

$walker = new Menu_With_Description; 

 wp_nav_menu( array(
               // \'menu\' => $menuSlug,
                \'menu\' => $menu_slug, 
                \'theme_location\' => $location,
                \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
                \'container_class\' => $contClass,
                \'container\' => $cont,
                \'depth\' => $depth,
                \'walker\' => $walker

        } else if ( !$custSet && !$locReserved ) { //no setting in customizer OR dropdown is set to blank value, location NOT SET in Menus section => display basic menu
$walker = new Menu_With_Description; 

            wp_nav_menu( array(
                \'theme_location\' => \'primary\',
                \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
                \'container_class\' => \'\',
                \'container\' => FALSE,
                \'depth\' => $depth,
                \'walker\' => $walker

        } else if ( $custSet ) { //menu set in customizer AND dropdown is NOT set to blank value, location SET OR NOT SET in Menus section => display menu set in customizer ( setting a menu to the given location in customizer will update any existing location-menu association in Appearance -> Menus, see function tesseract_set_menu_location() in functions.php )

$walker = new Menu_With_Description; 

            wp_nav_menu( array(
                \'menu\' => $menu,
                \'theme_location\' => $location,
                \'menu_class\' => \'nav-menu\',
                \'container_class\' => $contClass,
                \'container\' => $cont,
                \'depth\' => $depth,
                \'walker\' => $walker





