将菜单选项添加到管理栏中的“New Post”菜单

时间:2017-02-21 作者:mrdenny


Pic of what I want to do


        $args = array(
        \'id\'     => \'test1234\',     // id of the existing child node (New > Post)
        \'title\'  => \'test\', // alter the title of existing node
        \'parent\' => \'new-link\',          // set parent to false to make it a top level (parent) node
        \'href\'  => admin_url(\'admin.php?page=enter_timesheet\')
    $wp_admin_bar->add_node( $args );
我假设我只需要将“parent”标记修改为某个内容,但我不确定是什么。我发现这方面的文档记录非常糟糕(或者我的Bingle foo让我失望)。

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:David Lee 整理而成

使用new-content :

function make_parent_node($wp_admin_bar) {
    $args = array(
        \'id\' => \'test1234\', // id of the existing child node (New > Post)
        \'title\' => \'test\', // alter the title of existing node
        \'parent\' => \'new-content\', // set parent to false to make it a top level (parent) node
        \'href\' => admin_url(\'admin.php?page=enter_timesheet\')

enter image description here

您可以看到IDparent node 在HTML中,如果不想深入挖掘核心文件:

enter image description here
