
时间:2017-03-07 作者:Cha





  • ps主题2
  • ae主题#1


  • 。。。


    在我的taxonomy-course-photoshop.php, 我想显示ps thematic#1、ps thematic#2等。我找到了很多关于这个主题的问题和答案<我试了很多
    没有成功<所以现在,我觉得很困惑get_terms, get_children_term. 或$args= array(\'parent\' => $this_term->term_id,...}

    我最后一次尝试是这个topic, 这似乎很完美,但我收到一条消息错误:可捕获致命错误:WP\\u error类的对象无法转换为中的字符串


  • 1 个回复
    最合适的回答,由SO网友:LWS-Mo 整理而成

    我想你可以用get_terms() 为了这个。这只是一些简单的最小代码,我想您还需要添加永久链接、术语描述或其他内容。



    // our current taxonomy slug
    // If you want to get the current taxonomy automatically try using $wp_query->get_queried_object();
        $taxonomy = \'course\';
    // we get the terms of the taxonomy \'course\', but only top-level-terms with (parent => 0)
    $top_level_terms = get_terms( array(
        \'taxonomy\'      => $taxonomy,
        \'parent\'        => \'0\',
        \'hide_empty\'    => false,
    ) );
    // only if some terms actually exists, we move on
    if ($top_level_terms) {
        echo \'<ul class="top-level-terms">\';
        foreach ($top_level_terms as $top_level_term) {
            // the id of the top-level-term, we need this further down
            $top_term_id = $top_level_term->term_id;
            // the name of the top-level-term
            $top_term_name = $top_level_term->name;
            // the current used taxonomy
            $top_term_tax = $top_level_term->taxonomy;
            // note that the closing </li> is set further down, so that we can add a sub list item correctly
            echo \'<li class="top-level-term"><strong>\'.$top_term_name.\'</strong>\';
            // here we get the child-child terms
            // for this we are using \'child_of\' => $top_term_id
            // I also set \'parent\' => $top_term_id here, with this line you will only see this level and no further childs
            $second_level_terms = get_terms( array(
                \'taxonomy\' => $top_term_tax, // you could also use $taxonomy as defined in the first lines
                \'child_of\' => $top_term_id,
                \'parent\' => $top_term_id, // disable this line to see more child elements (child-child-child-terms)
                \'hide_empty\' => false,
            ) );
            // start a second list element if we have second level terms
            if ($second_level_terms) {
                echo \'<ul class="second-level-terms">\';
                foreach ($second_level_terms as $second_level_term) {
                    $second_term_name = $second_level_term->name;
                    echo \'<li class="second-level-term">\'.$second_term_name.\'</li>\';
                }// END foreach
                echo \'</ul><!-- END .second-level-terms -->\';
            }// END if
            echo \'</li><!-- END .top-level-term -->\';
        }// END foreach
        echo \'</ul><!-- END .top-level-terms -->\';
    }// END if
    还可以尝试使用print_r($top_level_term); 例如,在第一个foreach循环中。这样,你就可以看到一个术语附带的所有信息。

    我想说的是,您应该在常规分类法归档模板中使用此代码,而不要使用该文件taxonomy-course-photoshop.php. 因为那样的话,每个术语都需要一个单独的模板文件,这是不可行的。



    如果你在里面工作taxonomy-course.php 然后您可以尝试以下操作:

            //get the current object
            $current = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
            // try  var_dump($current);  to see all available data!
            // return the ID of the current term
            // i.e. ID of term "Photoshop" is "26", so we get "26" if we are viewing "Photoshop"
            $current_term_id = $current->term_id;
            // return the nicename of the current term
            // i.e. returns "Photoshop"
            // or "ps-thematic#1" if we are on a child term of "Photoshop"
            $current_name = $current->name;
            // returns the current taxonomy slug we are in
            // i.e. it will return "course"
            $current_taxonomy = $current->taxonomy;
            // returns the ID of the parent, if we have a parent
            // i.e. if we are viewing "ps-thematic#1" it will return the ID of "Photoshop", 26
            // if we are viewing "Photoshop", it will return 0, because "Photoshop" is a top level term
            $current_parent = $current->parent;
            // display name of current term, i.e. "Photoshop"
            echo \'<strong>\'.$current_name.\'</strong>\';
            $sub_terms = get_terms( array(
                \'taxonomy\'      => $current_taxonomy,
                \'child_of\'      => $current_term_id,
                \'hide_empty\'    => false,
            ) );
            // only start if some sub terms exist
            if ($sub_terms) {
                // try  var_dump($sub_terms);  to see all available data!
                echo \'<ul class="sub-terms">\';
                foreach ($sub_terms as $sub_term) {
                    // try  var_dump($sub_term);  to see all available data!
                    // only show the name for the example, "ps-thematic#1"
                    echo \'<li>\'.$sub_term->name.\'</li>\';
                }// END foreach
                echo \'</ul><!-- END .sub-terms -->\';
            }// END if


    还可以使用var_dump($current);.您将看到所有可用信息。例如,正如您将在上面看到的,我在函数中留下了一些代码$current_parent = $current->parent;.

                // check if current parent is not = 0
                if ($current_parent != \'0\') {
                    // code if parent is NOT 0
                    // that always means that we are viewing a child
                } else {
                    // code if parent is 0
                    // if parent is 0 we are sure we are on a top level
    但是还有更多的信息/数据$current 也许你可以用。我希望这有帮助。



    我正在建立一个商业目录,并将给出一些背景,然后在最后有2个问题。The development URL is: http://svcta.lainternet.biz/The website I am rebuilding is: https://www.visitsimivalley.com/当前网站要求每个分类法类型具有唯一的业务概要文件。例如,如果您是一家酒店,并且您也有会议室和婚礼场地,那么您最终会得到3个列表,一个用于酒店,一个用于会议,一个用于婚礼。我希望有一个主配置文件,其中包含我们将显示的