It\'s rough, I\'d suggest commenting/uncommenting the add_action
call when you want to use it.
* Theme Template Usage Report
* Displays a data dump to show you the pages in your WordPress
* site that are using custom theme templates.
function theme_template_usage_report( $file = false ) {
if ( ! isset( $_GET[\'template_report\'] ) ) return;
$templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates();
$report = array();
echo \'<h1>Page Template Usage Report</h1>\';
echo "<p>This report will show you any pages in your WordPress site that are using one of your theme\'s custom templates.</p>";
foreach ( $templates as $file => $name ) {
$q = new WP_Query( array(
\'post_type\' => \'page\',
\'posts_per_page\' => -1,
\'meta_query\' => array( array(
\'key\' => \'_wp_page_template\',
\'value\' => $file
) )
) );
$page_count = sizeof( $q->posts );
if ( $page_count > 0 ) {
echo \'<p style="color:green">\' . $file . \': <strong>\' . sizeof( $q->posts ) . \'</strong> pages are using this template:</p>\';
echo "<ul>";
foreach ( $q->posts as $p ) {
echo \'<li><a href="\' . get_permalink( $p, false ) . \'">\' . $p->post_title . \'</a></li>\';
echo "</ul>";
} else {
echo \'<p style="color:red">\' . $file . \': <strong>0</strong> pages are using this template, you should be able to safely delete it from your theme.</p>\';
foreach ( $q->posts as $p ) {
$report[$file][$p->ID] = $p->post_title;
add_action( \'wp\', \'theme_template_usage_report\' );