我建议编写一个简单的插件。通读Plugin Development Handbook, 但这很容易。插件唯一需要的是带有插件名称的标题。
* Plugin Name: WordPress StackExchange Question 266688
namespace StackExchange\\WordPress;
//* If you are running a version of PHP less than 5.3, namespaces are not available
//* Instead, you can pseudo-namespace the function
//* Simple function to use the transients API to cache the result of the external API request
function get() {
$transient = \\get_transient( \'name_of_transient\' );
if( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
$output = \\wp_remote_get( \'https://api.example.com/v2/my-api/\' );
\\set_transient( \'name_of_transient\', json_decode( $output ), DAY_IN_SECONDS );
return $out;
//* This will be an object
$api = \\Stackexchange\\WordPress\\get();
echo $api->example_property;