
时间:2017-08-27 作者:hesham shawky

我有一个问题,元框,我的工作!我正在为我的主题制作一个小的元框框架,但我遇到了一个奇怪的问题,那就是第一个元框the first array 它是唯一保存数据的工具!



function classy_create_meta_boxes( $args = array() ) {
$defaults = array(
    \'id\'        => \'default_field\',                     // the ID of the setting in our options array, and the ID of the HTML form element
    \'title\'     => \'Default Title\',                     // the label for the HTML form element
    \'context\'   => \'side\',                              // the section this setting belongs to — must match the array key of a section in classy_options_page_sections()
    \'callback\'  => \'default\',
    \'priority\'  => \'\',
    \'screen\'    => \'\',
    \'options\'   =>
                \'id\'    => \'\',
                \'type\'  => \'text\',
                \'key\'   => \'\',
                \'single\'=> \'true\',
                \'std\'   => \'\',
                \'class\' => \'regular-text\',
                \'desc\'  => \'This is a default description\'

// "extract" to be able to use the array keys as variables in our function output below
extract( wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ) );

// additional arguments for use in form field output in the function classy_form_field_fn!
$field_args = array(
    \'id\'        => $id,
    \'callback\'  => $callback,
    \'priority\'  => $priority,
    \'context\'   => $context,
    \'screen\'    => $screen,
    \'options\'   => $options


function classy_metaboxes_options(  ) {
$prefix = "classy_";

$metaboxes[] = array(
    \'id\'        => $prefix.\'messages_email_details_meta_box\',
    \'title\'     => \'Email\',
    \'screen\'    => \'messages\',
    \'context\'   => \'side\',
    \'priority\'  => \'default\',
    \'options\'   => array(
            \'id\'        => \'form_full_name\',
            \'type\'      => \'text\',
            \'label\'     => \'Full Name\',
            \'desc\'      => \'This is a default description\',
            \'single\'    => true,

            \'id\'        => \'form_email\',
            \'type\'      => \'email\',
            \'label\'     => \'Email\',
            \'desc\'      => \'This is a default description\',
            \'single\'    => true,

$metaboxes[] = array(
    \'id\'        => $prefix.\'portfolio_gallery_meta_box\',
    \'title\'     => \'Gallery\',
    \'screen\'    => \'portfolio\',
    \'context\'   => \'normal\',
    \'priority\'  => \'default\',
    \'options\'   => array(
            \'id\'        => \'gallery_meta_box\',
            \'key\'       => \'_gallery\',
            \'single\'    => true,
            \'type\'      => \'gallery\'

return $metaboxes;}

function classy_add_meta_box() {

if (!empty( classy_metaboxes_options() )) {
    foreach (classy_metaboxes_options() as $option ) {

function classy_portfolio_gallery_callback( $post, $metaboxes ) {
global $post;
$fields = $metaboxes[\'args\'][\'options\'];

foreach ($fields as $field) {
    switch ($field[\'type\']) {
        case "gallery":
            // Noncename needed to verify where the data originated
            $html = \'<input type="hidden" name="\'. $field[\'id\'].\'_nonce\' .\'" id="\'. $field[\'id\'].\'_nonce\' .\'" value="\' .wp_create_nonce( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ). \'" />\';

            // Get the gallery data if its already been entered
            $gallery = get_post_meta($post->ID, \'_classy_\'.$field[\'id\'], $field[\'single\']);

            if (empty($gallery))
                $html .= \'<a href="#" id="classy_portfolio_gallery_upload">Set gallery images</a><br>\';
                $html .= \'<a href="#" id="classy_portfolio_gallery_upload">Update gallery images</a><br>\';

            $html .= "<input type=\'hidden\' id=\'classy_portfolio_gallery\' name=\'_classy_{$field[\'id\']}\' value=\'{$gallery}\'>";

            $html .= \'<div class="classy_images">\';
            $gallery_images = explode(\'|\', $gallery);
            $gallery_images = array_filter($gallery_images, function($value) { return $value !== \'\'; });

            foreach ($gallery_images as $image)
                $html .= \'<img height="70" style="display: inline-block" src="\'.$image.\'" >\';
            $html .= "</div>";

            $html .= "<div class=\'remove-link\'></div>";

        case "text":
        case "email":
            // Noncename needed to verify where the data originated
            $html = \'<input type="hidden" name="\'.$field[\'id\'].\'_nonce\'.\'" id="\'.$field[\'id\'].\'_nonce\'.\'" value="\' .wp_create_nonce( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ). \'" />\';
            $val = get_post_meta($post->ID, \'_classy_\'.$field[\'id\'], $field[\'single\']);
            $html .= "<label for=\'{$field[\'id\']}\' class=\'description\'> {$field[\'label\']}: </label><br>";
            $html .= "<input type=\'{$field[\'type\']}\' style=\'width: 100%; max-width: 100%\' id=\'{$field[\'id\']}\' name=\'_classy_{$field[\'id\']}\' value=\'{$val}\'><br>";
            $html .= "<span class=\'description\'> {$field[\'desc\']} </span><br>";

    echo $html;
function classy_save_portfolio_gallery_meta_box($post_id, $post) {

foreach (classy_metaboxes_options() as $option) {

    foreach ($option[\'options\'] as $field) {

        // verify this came from the our screen and with proper authorization,
        // because save_post can be triggered at other times
        if ( !isset($_POST[$field[\'id\'].\'_nonce\']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST[$field[\'id\'].\'_nonce\'], plugin_basename(__FILE__) )) {
            return $post->ID;

        // OK, we\'re authenticated: we need to find and save the data
        // We\'ll put it into an array to make it easier to loop though.

        $events_meta[\'_classy_\'.$field[\'id\']] = $_POST[\'_classy_\'.$field[\'id\']];

        // Add values of $events_meta as custom fields

        foreach ($events_meta as $key => $value) { // Cycle through the $events_meta array!
            if( $post->post_type == \'revision\' ) return; // Don\'t store custom data twice
            $value = implode(\',\', (array)$value); // If $value is an array, make it a CSV (unlikely)
            if(get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, FALSE)) { // If the custom field already has a value
                update_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
            } else { // If the custom field doesn\'t have a value
                add_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
            if(!$value) delete_post_meta($post->ID, $key); // Delete if blank



1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:hesham shawky 整理而成

我发现错误的部分是循环wp_create_nonce() 内部功能classy_portfolio_gallery_callback 我只是把它放在循环之外,然后输入一个固定的名称并编辑save函数classy_save_portfolio_gallery_meta_box 对于specfic,使用新名称attr的第一个条件。



Run WP-CLI using PHP

我已经在Mac上安装了WP-CLI,下一步是使用PHP脚本执行WP-CLI命令。我试图用以下方式实现它,但我没有看到任何事情发生。有人能看看我的代码,告诉我我做错了什么吗?我正在使用Docker并在中安装了WPDocker/xamp/www/wordpress_wwws/htdocs 目录我是否需要从WP目录中执行PHP代码,或者可以在服务器上的任何目录中执行PHP代码?define( \'WP_CLI_ROOT\', \'/usr/local/bin/wp\' ); include WP_CLI