之后The above curly bracket is where the problem appears
语句已接近this is where initial load begins
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
$initialCardLoad = 5;
$loopLazyLoad = 0;
$galleryType = get_field( \'gallery_type\' ); ?>
<section class="grid-content">
<div class="gridGallery <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
// check if the repeater field has rows of data
if ( have_rows( \'card\' ) ) {
// loop through the rows of data
while ( have_rows( \'card\' ) ) :
$loopLazyLoad ++; // iterate on loop each time you loop through
// display a sub field value inside a card
$title = get_sub_field( \'card_title\' );
$childImage = get_sub_field( \'card_picture\' );
$file = get_sub_field( \'card_video\' );
$video = $file[\'url\'];
$videoTitle = get_sub_field( \'card_video_title\' );
$cardLink = get_sub_field( \'card_link\' );
$cardEmbed = get_sub_field( \'card_embed\' );
if ( $loopLazyLoad > $initialCardLoad ) {
?> <div class="grid-item"> <?php
if ( $cardEmbed ) { ?>
<a data-fancybox data-type="iframe" data-src="http://codepen.io/fancyapps/full/jyEGGG/"
<img class="lazy" data-src="<?php echo $childImage[\'sizes\'][\'medium\']; ?>">
<!-- end of iframe If statement --> <?php
} else if ( $childImage ) { ?>
<a data-fancybox="gallery" data-caption="<?php echo $title ?>"
href="<?php echo $childImage[\'sizes\'][\'large\'];//big one here ?>">
<img class="lazy" data-src="<?php echo $childImage[\'sizes\'][\'medium\']; ?>">
<!-- End of image if statement --> <?php
} else if ( $video ) { ?>
<a data-fancybox data-src="#<?php echo $videoTitle ?>" href="javascript:;">
<video class="gallery-video lazy" loop autoplay muted>
<source src="<?php echo $video; ?>" type="video/mp4">
<video style="display: none;" class="gallery-video lazy" loop autoplay muted
id="<?php echo $videoTitle ?>">
<source src="<?php echo $video; ?>" type="video/mp4">
<!-- end of Video If statement --> <?php
} ?>
</div> <?php //end of grid item div
// End of if lazy load iter check
// this is where initial load begins
} else if (true) {
?> <div class="grid-item"> <?php
if ( $cardEmbed ) { ?>
<a data-fancybox data-type="iframe"
data-src="http://codepen.io/fancyapps/full/jyEGGG/" href="javascript:;">
<img class="" data-src="<?php echo $childImage[\'sizes\'][\'medium\']; ?>">
<!-- end of iframe If statement --> <?php
} else if ( $childImage ){ ?>
<a data-fancybox="gallery" data-caption="<?php echo $title ?>"
href="<?php echo $childImage[\'sizes\'][\'large\'];//big one here
<img class="" src="<?php echo $childImage[\'sizes\'][\'medium\']; ?>">
<!--end of Image IF statement --> <?php
} else if ( $video ){ ?>
<a data-fancybox data-src="#<?php echo $videoTitle ?>" href="javascript:;">
<video class="gallery-video" loop autoplay muted>
<source src="<?php echo $video; ?>" type="video/mp4">
<video style="display: none;" class="gallery-video lazy" loop autoplay muted
id="<?php echo $videoTitle ?>">
<source src="<?php echo $video; ?>" type="video/mp4">
<!-- end of Video If statement --> <?php
} ?>
</div> <!-- end of grid item div -->
<!--end of initial card load of loop--> <?php
//end of else for the initial load
} else {
?> <p>no rows found</p> <?php
} //end of else
endwhile; ////end of while statement that loops for as long as rows have data
} //end of top level if statement that checks if rows have data ?>
domReady( function () {
var macy_instance = Macy.init( {
container: \'.<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>\',
trueOrder: false,
waitForImages: true,
debug: false,
margin: 0,
columns: 5,
breakAt: {
1200: 4,
940: 3,
520: 1
} );
macy_instance.runOnImageLoad( function () {
macy_instance.recalculate( true );
}, true );
} );
<?php endwhile; ?>