The main function where all the data is gathering up and making a query
public function pre_get_posts($q) {
// check if the user is requesting an admin page
if (is_admin() || !$q->is_main_query())
if (!is_post_type_archive(\'auto-listing\'))
if (!is_search())
$meta_query = array();
$year_query[] = $this->year_query();
$model_query[] = $this->model_query();
$condition_query[] = $this->condition_query();
$odometer_query[] = $this->odometer_query();
$price_query[] = $this->price_meta_query();
$body_type_query = $this->body_type_query();
$country_query = $this->country_query();
$transmission_query = $this->transmission_query();
$radius_query[] = $this->radius_query($q);
$query_1 = array_merge($country_query, $year_query, $model_query, $condition_query, $price_query, $odometer_query, $transmission_query);
// if our radius query fails, fall back to keyword searching
// will fail with no map API key
if (empty($radius_query[0]) || !$radius_query[0]) {
$keyword_query[] = $this->keyword_query($q);
$query_2 = $keyword_query;
} else {
$query_2 = $radius_query;
// if no keyword
if (empty($_GET[\'s\'])) {
$query_1[\'relation\'] = \'AND\';
$meta_query[] = $query_1;
// if keyword
if (!empty($_GET[\'s\'])) {
$query_2[\'relation\'] = \'OR\';
$meta_query[] = $query_1;
$meta_query[] = $query_2;
$meta_query[\'relation\'] = \'AND\';
$q->set(\'meta_query\', $meta_query);
$q->set(\'tax_query\', $body_type_query);
$q->set(\'post_type\', \'auto-listing\');
Radius query function that was actually doing the magic
public function radius_query($q) {
if (isset($_GET[\'s\']) && !empty($_GET[\'s\'])) {
$searchterm = isset($q->query_vars[\'s\']) ? sanitize_text_field($q->query_vars[\'s\']) : \'\';
// we have to remove the "s" parameter from the query, because it will prevent the posts from being found
$q->query_vars[\'s\'] = \'\';
if ($searchterm != \'\') {
$search_radius = $this->geocode($searchterm);
if (!$search_radius)
return false;
$lat = $search_radius[\'lat\']; // get the lat of the requested address
$lng = $search_radius[\'lng\']; // get the lng of the requested address
// we\'ll want everything within, say, 30km distance
$distance = isset($_GET[\'within\']) && !empty($_GET[\'within\']) ? floatval($_GET[\'within\']) : 0.1;
// earth\'s radius in km = ~6371
$radius = auto_listings_metric() == \'yes\' ? 6371 : 3950;
// latitude boundaries
$maxlat = $lat + rad2deg($distance / $radius);
$minlat = $lat - rad2deg($distance / $radius);
// longitude boundaries (longitude gets smaller when latitude increases)
$maxlng = $lng + rad2deg($distance / $radius / cos(deg2rad($lat)));
$minlng = $lng - rad2deg($distance / $radius / cos(deg2rad($lat)));
// build the meta query array
$radius_array = array(
\'relation\' => \'AND\',
$radius_array[] = array(
\'key\' => \'_al_listing_lat\',
\'value\' => array($minlat, $maxlat),
\'type\' => \'DECIMAL(10,5)\',
\'compare\' => \'BETWEEN\',
$radius_array[] = array(
\'key\' => \'_al_listing_lng\',
\'value\' => array($minlng, $maxlng),
\'type\' => \'DECIMAL(10,5)\',
\'compare\' => \'BETWEEN\',
return apply_filters(\'auto_listings_search_radius_args\', $radius_array);
And now the final function that was fetching the lat and long from the zip code that user enters
private function geocode($address) {
// url encode the address
$address = urlencode(esc_html($address));
// google map geocode api url
$url = auto_listings_google_geocode_maps_url($address);
$arrContextOptions = array(
"ssl" => array(
"verify_peer" => false,
"verify_peer_name" => false,
// get the json response
$resp_json = file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($arrContextOptions));
// decode the json
$resp = json_decode($resp_json, true);
//pp( $resp );
// response status will be \'OK\', if able to geocode given address
if ($resp[\'status\'] == \'OK\') {
// get the lat and lng
$lat = $resp[\'results\'][0][\'geometry\'][\'location\'][\'lat\'];
$lng = $resp[\'results\'][0][\'geometry\'][\'location\'][\'lng\'];
// verify if data is complete
if ($lat && $lng) {
return array(
\'lat\' => $lat,
\'lng\' => $lng,
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;